Cuong T. Nguyen
Cuong T. Nguyen
Cuu Long Delta Rice Research Institute, Cantho, Vietnam
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The kinase LYK5 is a major chitin receptor in Arabidopsis and forms a chitin-induced complex with related kinase CERK1
Y Cao, Y Liang, K Tanaka, CT Nguyen, RP Jedrzejczak, A Joachimiak, ...
elife 3, e03766, 2014
Extracellular ATP is a central signaling molecule in plant stress responses
Y Cao, K Tanaka, CT Nguyen, G Stacey
Current opinion in plant biology 20, 82-87, 2014
Arabidopsis E3 ubiquitin ligase PLANT U‐BOX13 (PUB 13) regulates chitin receptor LYSIN MOTIF RECEPTOR KINASE5 (LYK 5) protein abundance
D Liao, Y Cao, X Sun, C Espinoza, CT Nguyen, Y Liang, G Stacey
New Phytologist 214 (4), 1646-1656, 2017
Divergent cytosine DNA methylation patterns in single‐cell, soybean root hairs
MS Hossain, T Kawakatsu, KD Kim, N Zhang, CT Nguyen, SM Khan, ...
New Phytologist 214 (2), 808-819, 2017
Arabidopsis lectin receptor kinase P2K2 is a second plant receptor for extracellular ATP and contributes to innate immunity
AQ Pham, SH Cho, CT Nguyen, G Stacey
Plant Physiology 183 (3), 1364-1375, 2020
Role of LysM receptors in chitin-triggered plant innate immunity
K Tanaka, CT Nguyen, Y Liang, Y Cao, G Stacey
Plant signaling & behavior 8 (1), e22598, 2013
Soybean roots grown under heat stress show global changes in their transcriptional and proteomic profiles
O Valdés-López, J Batek, N Gomez-Hernandez, CT Nguyen, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 517, 2016
MicroRNA‐125b modulates inflammatory chemokine CCL4 expression in immune cells and its reduction causes CCL4 increase with age
NL Cheng, X Chen, J Kim, AH Shi, C Nguyen, R Wersto, N Weng
Aging cell 14 (2), 200-208, 2015
Identification of homogentisate dioxygenase as a target for vitamin E biofortification in oilseeds
MG Stacey, RE Cahoon, HT Nguyen, Y Cui, S Sato, CT Nguyen, N Phoka, ...
Plant Physiology 172 (3), 1506-1518, 2016
Enzymatic activity of the soybean ecto-apyrase GS52 is essential for stimulation of nodulation
K Tanaka, CT Nguyen, M Libault, J Cheng, G Stacey
Plant Physiology 155 (4), 1988-1998, 2011
Molecular Mechanism of Plant Recognition of Extracellular ATP
SH Cho, CT Nguyen, J Choi, G Stacey
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 1-21, 2017
Computational analysis of the ligand binding site of the extracellular ATP receptor, DORN1
CT Nguyen, K Tanaka, Y Cao, SH Cho, D Xu, G Stacey
PLoS One 11 (9), e0161894, 2016
The kinase LYK5 is a major chitin receptor in
Y Cao, Y Liang, K Tanaka, CT Nguyen, RP Jedrzejczak, A Joachimiak, ...
Arabidopsis, 2014
A soybean acyl carrier protein, GmACP, is important for root nodule symbiosis
J Wang, K Tóth, K Tanaka, CT Nguyen, Z Yan, L Brechenmacher, ...
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 27 (5), 415-423, 2014
Allelopathic potential of rice and identification of published allelochemicals by cloud-based metabolomics platform
TL Ho, TTC Nguyen, DC Vu, NY Nguyen, TTT Nguyen, TNH Phong, ...
Metabolites 10 (6), 244, 2020
Estimating the criteria affected to agricultural production: case of Chau Thanh A district, Vietnam
PT Vua, VQ Minh, PC Nguyen, TV Dung, NTP Lan
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development 10 (1), 463-472, 2020
Rice By-Products Reduce Seed and Seedlings Survival of Echinochloa crus-galli, Leptochloa chinensis and Fymbristylis miliacea
TL Ho, CT Nguyen, DC Vu, TTC Nguyen, VQ Nguyen, RJ Smeda
Agronomy 11 (4), 776, 2021
Computational prediction and in vitro analysis of the potential ligand binding site within the extracellular ATP receptor, P2K2
SH Cho, CT Nguyen, AQ Pham, G Stacey
Plant Signaling & Behavior 18 (1), 2173146, 2023
Phytotoxicity in aqueous methanolic extracts of rice against junglerice and total activities of identified phytotoxic compounds
TL Ho, VL Nguyen, LK Phan, CT Nguyen, THD Nguyen, VL Van, SJ Reid
Annals of Applied Biology 180 (2), 196-210, 2022
Soybean RIN4 represents a mechanistic link between plant immune and symbiotic signaling
K Tóth, D Kim, SH Cho, CT Nguyen, THN Nguyen, C Hartanto, JM Michno, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.09. 12.557450, 2023
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Articles 1–20