Online selection of discriminative tracking features RT Collins, Y Liu, M Leordeanu IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 27 (10), 1631 ¡K, 2005 | 2032 | 2005 |
A system for video surveillance and monitoring RT Collins, AJ Lipton, T Kanade, H Fujiyoshi, D Duggins, Y Tsin, ... VSAM final report 2000 (1-68), 1, 2000 | 1831 | 2000 |
Mean-shift blob tracking through scale space RT Collins 2003 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern ¡K, 2003 | 1421 | 2003 |
A space-sweep approach to true multi-image matching RT Collins Proceedings CVPR IEEE computer society conference on computer vision and ¡K, 1996 | 915 | 1996 |
Algorithms for cooperative multisensor surveillance RT Collins, AJ Lipton, H Fujiyoshi, T Kanade Proceedings of the IEEE 89 (10), 1456-1477, 2001 | 874 | 2001 |
Silhouette-based human identification from body shape and gait RT Collins, R Gross, J Shi Proceedings of fifth IEEE international conference on automatic face gesture ¡K, 2002 | 760 | 2002 |
Introduction to the special section on video surveillance RT Collins, AJ Lipton, T Kanade IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 22 (8), 745-746, 2000 | 678 | 2000 |
Three-dimensional scene flow S Vedula, S Baker, P Rander, R Collins, T Kanade Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision ¡K, 1999 | 569 | 1999 |
A system for video surveillance and monitoring: VSAM final report R Collins, A Lipton, T Kanade, H Fujiyoshi, D Duggins, Y Tsin, D Tolliver, ... Technical report CMU-RI-TR-00-12, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 2000 | 518 | 2000 |
Vision-based analysis of small groups in pedestrian crowds W Ge, RT Collins, RB Ruback IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 34 (5), 1003-1016, 2012 | 483 | 2012 |
Three-dimensional scene flow S Vedula, P Rander, R Collins, T Kanade IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 27 (3), 475-480, 2005 | 432 | 2005 |
An open source tracking testbed and evaluation web site R Collins, X Zhou, SK Teh IEEE international workshop on performance evaluation of tracking and ¡K, 2005 | 384 | 2005 |
The schema system BA Draper, RT Collins, J Brolio, AR Hanson, EM Riseman International Journal of Computer Vision 2, 209-250, 1989 | 378 | 1989 |
Marked point processes for crowd counting W Ge, RT Collins 2009 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2913-2920, 2009 | 363 | 2009 |
Multi-target tracking by lagrangian relaxation to min-cost network flow AA Butt, RT Collins Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern ¡K, 2013 | 354 | 2013 |
A computational model for periodic pattern perception based on frieze and wallpaper groups Y Liu, RT Collins, Y Tsin IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 26 (3), 354-371, 2004 | 351 | 2004 |
Advances in cooperative multi-sensor video surveillance T Kanade, R Collins, A Lipton, P Burt, L Wixson Proceedings of DARPA Image Understanding Workshop 1 (3-24), 2, 1998 | 305 | 1998 |
Gait sequence analysis using frieze patterns Y Liu, R Collins, Y Tsin European Conference on Computer Vision, 657-671, 2002 | 271 | 2002 |
A master-slave system to acquire biometric imagery of humans at distance X Zhou, RT Collins, T Kanade, P Metes First ACM SIGMM international workshop on Video surveillance, 113-120, 2003 | 231 | 2003 |
Vanishing point calculation as a statistical inference on the unit sphere. RT Collins, RS Weiss ICCV 90, 400-403, 1990 | 217 | 1990 |