Arnold Bahlmann
Arnold Bahlmann
Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Berlin, Germany
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Carbamazepine and its metabolites in wastewater: Analytical pitfalls and occurrence in Germany and Portugal
A Bahlmann, W Brack, RJ Schneider, M Krauss
Water research 57, 104-114, 2014
Immunoassays as high-throughput tools: monitoring spatial and temporal variations of carbamazepine, caffeine and cetirizine in surface and wastewaters
A Bahlmann, JJ Carvalho, MG Weller, U Panne, RJ Schneider
Chemosphere 89 (11), 1278-1286, 2012
Monitoring carbamazepine in surface and wastewaters by an immunoassay based on a monoclonal antibody
A Bahlmann, MG Weller, U Panne, RJ Schneider
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 395, 1809-1820, 2009
Application of an ELISA to the quantification of carbamazepine in ground, surface and wastewaters and validation with LC–MS/MS
V Calisto, A Bahlmann, RJ Schneider, VI Esteves
Chemosphere 84 (11), 1708-1715, 2011
Ab initio calculations for the optical rotations of conformationally flexible molecules: a case study on six‐, seven‐, and eight‐membered fluorinated cycloalkanol esters
S Grimme, A Bahlmann, G Haufe
Chirality 14 (10), 793-797, 2002
Development of a rapid multi-mycotoxin LC-MS/MS stable isotope dilution analysis for grain legumes and its application on 66 market samples
BM Kunz, F Wanko, S Kemmlein, A Bahlmann, S Rohn, R Maul
Food Control 109, 106949, 2020
Tox-Box: securing drops of life-an enhanced health-related approach for risk assessment of drinking water in Germany
T Grummt, J Kuckelkorn, A Bahlmann, C Baumstark-Khan, W Brack, ...
Environmental Sciences Europe 25 (1), 1-8, 2013
Effect-directed analysis of aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonists in sediments from the Three Gorges Reservoir, China
H Xiao, M Krauss, T Floehr, Y Yan, A Bahlmann, K Eichbaum, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 50 (20), 11319-11328, 2016
Cetirizine as pH-dependent cross-reactant in a carbamazepine-specific immunoassay
A Bahlmann, J Falkenhagen, MG Weller, U Panne, RJ Schneider
Analyst 136 (7), 1357-1364, 2011
Chemical and immunochemical analysis of anthropogenic markers and organic contaminants
A Bahlmann, T Lochen, T Schulze, A Kirschner, W Brack, RJ Schneider, ...
Joint Danube Survey, 277-283, 2015
Electronic Circular Dichroism of Cyclophanes [1]
S Grimme, A Bahlmann
Modern cyclophane chemistry, 311-336, 2004
Root uptake and metabolization of Alternaria toxins by winter wheat plants using a hydroponic system
J Jaster-Keller, MEH Müller, AH El-Khatib, N Lorenz, A Bahlmann, ...
Mycotoxin Research 39 (2), 109-126, 2023
Onsite large volume solid phase extraction–how to get 1000 litres of water into the laboratory
T Schulze, M Krauss, A Bahlmann, C Hug, KH Walz, W Brack
Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe 24th …, 2014
Entwicklung und Validierung eines Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISA) für die Quantifizierung von Carbamazepin in Abwasser, Oberflächenwasser und Trinkwasser
A Bahlmann
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, 2012
Microbial Faecal Source Tracking
G Reischer, AKT Kirschner, G Schnitzer, DF Savio, RL Mach, A Bahlmann, ...
Joint Danube Survey 3-A Comprehensive Analysis of Danube Water Quality, 162-168, 2015
Ochratoxin A in Käse: Entwicklung und Validierung einer LC‐Methode mit MS/MS‐und FLD‐Detektion sowie deren Anwendung zur Untersuchung von Hartkäseproben vom deutschen Markt
C Hutzler, A Bahlmann, J Diederich, S Weigel
Lebensmittelchemie 76, S2-161-S2-161, 2022
LC‐QToF‐HRMS als wirkungsvolles Werkzeug zur Erfassung einer Co‐Kontamination von Deoxynivalenol‐belasteten Mehlproben mit weiteren Mykotoxinen und Transformationsprodukten
C Hutzler, M Trentzsch, A Bahlmann, C Schöne, C Gottschalk, S Weigel
Lebensmittelchemie 76, S2-160-S2-160, 2022
Effect-directed analysis of aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonists in sediments from the Three Gorges Reservoir, China.
XHX Xiao HongXia, M Krauss, T Floehr, YY Yan Yan, A Bahlmann, ...
Carbamazepin und seine Metaboliten in Abwasser, Oberflächenwasser und Trinkwasser
A Bahlmann
Tox-Box: Die Tropfen des Lebens bewahren-Gesundheitsbasierte Risikobewertung für Trinkwasser in Deutschland
T Grummt, J Kuckelkorn, A Bahlmann, C Baumstark-Khan, W Brack, ...
Environmental Sciences Europe 25, 1-8, 2013
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