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Accurate method for the measurement of absorption cross sections of solid-state saturable absorbers
VG Shcherbitsky, S Girard, M Fromager, R Moncorge, NV Kuleshov, ...
Applied Physics B 74, 367-374, 2002
Transverse mode selection in a monolithic microchip laser
D Naidoo, T Godin, M Fromager, E Cagniot, N Passilly, A Forbes, ...
Optics Communications 284 (23), 5475-5479, 2011
Creation of a sharper focus by using a rectified TEMp0 beam
A Hasnaoui, A Bencheikh, M Fromager, E Cagniot, K Aït-Ameur
Optics Communications 284 (5), 1331-1334, 2011
Experimental and theoretical investigation of a rapidly varying nonlinear lensing effect observed in a Cr3+:LiSAF laser
N Passilly, M Fromager, K Ait-Ameur, R Moncorgé, JL Doualan, A Hirth, ...
JOSA B 21 (3), 531-538, 2004
Non-Gaussian fundamental laser mode oscillation in end-pumped Nd: YVO4 microchip laser
G Martel, C Labbe, F Sanchez, M Fromager, K Aıt-Ameur
Optics communications 201 (1-3), 117-127, 2002
Baryscan: a sensitive and user-friendly alternative to Z scan for weak nonlinearities measurements
T Godin, M Fromager, E Cagniot, R Moncorgé, K Aït-Ameur
Optics letters 36 (8), 1401-1403, 2011
Modeling of the self-Q-switching behavior of lasers based on chromium doped active material
M Fromager, KA Ameur
Optics communications 191 (3-6), 305-314, 2001
Transverse superresolution technique involving rectified Laguerre–Gaussian LG0p beams
E Cagniot, M Fromager, T Godin, N Passilly, K Aït-Ameur
JOSA A 28 (8), 1709-1715, 2011
Generation of Laguerre–Gaussian LGp0 beams using binary phase diffractive optical elements
A Bencheikh, M Fromager, KA Ameur
Applied optics 53 (21), 4761-4767, 2014
Optically pump-induced athermal and nonresonant refractive index changes in the reference Cr-doped laser materials: Cr: GSGG and ruby
T Godin, R Moncorgé, JL Doualan, M Fromager, K Ait-Ameur, RA Cruz, ...
JOSA B 29 (5), 1055-1064, 2012
Transformation of an elliptic into a circular beam using a diffractive binary optic
M Fromager, KA Ameur
Optics communications 190 (1-6), 45-49, 2001
Emission of a propagation invariant flat-top beam from a microchip laser
D Naidoo, A Harfouche, M Fromager, K Ait-Ameur, A Forbes
Journal of Luminescence 170, 750-754, 2016
Variant of the method of Fox and Li dedicated to intracavity laser beam shaping
E Cagniot, M Fromager, T Godin, N Passilly, M Brunel, K Ait-Ameur
JOSA A 28 (3), 489-495, 2011
Radially polarized cylindrical vector beams from a monolithic microchip laser
D Naidoo, M Fromager, K Ait-Ameur, A Forbes
Optical Engineering 54 (11), 111304-111304, 2015
Digital micromirror device as programmable rough particle in interferometric particle imaging
M Fromager, KA Ameur, M Brunel
Applied optics 56 (12), 3594-3598, 2017
1-D laser beam shaping using an adjustable binary diffractive optical element
N Passilly, M Fromager, L Mechin, C Gunther, S Eimer, ...
Optics communications 241 (4-6), 465-473, 2004
Comparison between interferometric and diffractive laser beam shaping
A Harfouche, B Boubaha, M Fromager, K Aït-Ameur
Journal of Optics 16 (12), 125712, 2014
Spatial properties of coaxial superposition of two coherent Gaussian beams
B Boubaha, D Naidoo, T Godin, M Fromager, A Forbes, K Aït-Ameur
Applied optics 52 (23), 5766-5772, 2013
Selection of a LGp0-shaped fundamental mode in a laser cavity: phase versus amplitude masks
A Hasnaoui, T Godin, E Cagniot, M Fromager, A Forbes, K Aït-Ameur
Optics Communications 285 (24), 5268-5275, 2012
Considerations about Z-scan sensitivity improvement: theory versus experiments
T Godin, M Fromager, B Päivänranta, N Passilly, G Boudebs, E Cagniot, ...
Applied Physics B 95, 579-587, 2009
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