Todd C. Hollon
Todd C. Hollon
在 med.umich.edu 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證 - 首頁
Near real-time intraoperative brain tumor diagnosis using stimulated Raman histology and deep neural networks
TC Hollon, B Pandian, AR Adapa, E Urias, AV Save, SSS Khalsa, ...
Nature medicine 26 (1), 52-58, 2020
Rapid intraoperative histology of unprocessed surgical specimens via fibre-laser-based stimulated Raman scattering microscopy
DA Orringer, B Pandian, YS Niknafs, TC Hollon, J Boyle, S Lewis, ...
Nature biomedical engineering 1 (2), 0027, 2017
Rapid intraoperative diagnosis of pediatric brain tumors using stimulated Raman histology
TC Hollon, S Lewis, B Pandian, YS Niknafs, MR Garrard, H Garton, ...
Cancer research 78 (1), 278-289, 2018
Improving the accuracy of brain tumor surgery via Raman-based technology
T Hollon, S Lewis, CW Freudiger, XS Xie, DA Orringer
Neurosurgical focus 40 (3), E9, 2016
Artificial-intelligence-based molecular classification of diffuse gliomas using rapid, label-free optical imaging
T Hollon, C Jiang, A Chowdury, M Nasir-Moin, A Kondepudi, A Aabedi, ...
Nature medicine 29 (4), 828-832, 2023
Outcome of transsphenoidal surgery for Cushing disease: a single-center experience over 32 years
WF Chandler, AL Barkan, T Hollon, A Sakharova, J Sack, B Brahma, ...
Neurosurgery 78 (2), 216-223, 2016
A machine learning approach to predict early outcomes after pituitary adenoma surgery
TC Hollon, A Parikh, B Pandian, J Tarpeh, DA Orringer, AL Barkan, ...
Neurosurgical focus 45 (5), E8, 2018
Cytomegalovirus contributes to glioblastoma in the context of tumor suppressor mutations
RL Price, J Song, K Bingmer, TH Kim, JY Yi, MO Nowicki, X Mo, T Hollon, ...
Cancer research 73 (11), 3441-3450, 2013
Spatiotemporal analysis of glioma heterogeneity reveals COL1A1 as an actionable target to disrupt tumor progression
A Comba, SM Faisal, PJ Dunn, AE Argento, TC Hollon, WN Al-Holou, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 3606, 2022
Advances in the surgical management of low-grade glioma
T Hollon, SL Hervey-Jumper, O Sagher, DA Orringer
Seminars in radiation oncology 25 (3), 181-188, 2015
Label-free brain tumor imaging using Raman-based methods
T Hollon, DA Orringer
Journal of neuro-oncology 151, 393-402, 2021
Uncovering spatiotemporal heterogeneity of high-grade gliomas: From disease biology to therapeutic implications
A Comba, SM Faisal, ML Varela, T Hollon, WN Al-Holou, Y Umemura, ...
Frontiers in oncology 11, 703764, 2021
Rapid, label-free detection of diffuse glioma recurrence using intraoperative stimulated Raman histology and deep neural networks
TC Hollon, B Pandian, E Urias, AV Save, AR Adapa, S Srinivasan, ...
Neuro-oncology 23 (1), 144-155, 2021
Supratentorial hemispheric ependymomas: an analysis of 109 adults for survival and prognostic factors
T Hollon, V Nguyen, BW Smith, S Lewis, L Junck, DA Orringer
Journal of Neurosurgery 125 (2), 410-418, 2016
Surgical adjuncts to increase the extent of resection: intraoperative MRI, fluorescence, and Raman histology
T Hollon, W Stummer, D Orringer, ES Molina
Neurosurgery Clinics 30 (1), 65-74, 2019
Combined cytotoxic and immune-stimulatory gene therapy for primary adult high-grade glioma: a phase 1, first-in-human trial
Y Umemura, D Orringer, L Junck, ML Varela, MEJ West, SM Faisal, ...
The Lancet Oncology 24 (9), 1042-1052, 2023
Rapid automated analysis of skull base tumor specimens using intraoperative optical imaging and artificial intelligence
C Jiang, A Bhattacharya, JR Linzey, RS Joshi, SJ Cha, S Srinivasan, ...
Neurosurgery 90 (6), 758-767, 2022
Synthetic high-density lipoprotein nanoparticles for the treatment of Niemann–Pick diseases
ML Schultz, MV Fawaz, RD Azaria, TC Hollon, EA Liu, TJ Kunkel, ...
BMC medicine 17, 1-18, 2019
Mutations in glioblastoma oncosuppressive pathways pave the way for oncomodulatory activity of cytomegalovirus
TC Hollon, RL Price, CH Kwon, EA Chiocca
Oncoimmunology 2 (9), e25620, 2013
Clinical factors associated with ICU-specific care following supratentoral brain tumor resection and validation of a risk prediction score
LR Franko, T Hollon, J Linzey, C Roark, V Rajajee, K Sheehan, M Teig, ...
Critical Care Medicine 46 (8), 1302-1308, 2018
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