zhuo cao
Cited by
Cited by
Preparation and characterization of SnO2/carbon nanotube composite for lithium ion battery applications
Y Fu, R Ma, Y Shu, Z Cao, X Ma
Materials Letters 63 (22), 1946-1948, 2009
Flexible screen printed thermoelectric generator with enhanced processes and materials
Z Cao, E Koukharenko, MJ Tudor, RN Torah, SP Beeby
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 238, 196-206, 2016
Screen printed flexible Bi2Te3-Sb2Te3 based thermoelectric generator
Z Cao, E Koukharenko, MJ Tudor, RN Torah, SP Beeby
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 476 (1), 012031, 2013
Multidisciplinary know-how for smart-textiles developers
T Kirstein
Elsevier, 2013
Screen printable flexible BiTe–SbTe-based composite thermoelectric materials on textiles for wearable applications
Z Cao, MJ Tudor, RN Torah, SP Beeby
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 63 (10), 4024-4030, 2016
Flexible screen printed thick film thermoelectric generator with reduced material resistivity
Z Cao, E Koukharenko, RN Torah, J Tudor, SP Beeby
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 557 (1), 012016, 2014
Kinetic, thermoelectric and solar energy harvesting technologies for smart textiles
SP Beeby, Z Cao, A Almussallam
Multidisciplinary know-how for smart-textiles developers, 306-328, 2013
All dispenser printed flexible 3D structured thermoelectric generators
Z Cao, JJ Shi, RN Torah, MJ Tudor, SP Beeby
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 660 (1), 012096, 2015
Improving the dielectric and piezoelectric properties of screen-printed Low temperature PZT/polymer composite using cold isostatic pressing
A Almusallam, K Yang, Z Cao, D Zhu, J Tudor, SP Beeby
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 557 (1), 012083, 2014
Exploring screen printing technology on thermoelectric energy harvesting with printing copper-nickel and bismuth-antimony thermocouples
Z Cao, E Koukharenko, RN Torah, SP Beeby
2013 Transducers & Eurosensors XXVII: The 17th International Conference on …, 2013
Optimization of a PDMS structure for energy harvesting under compressive forces
J Shi, D Zhu, Z Cao, SP Beeby
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 660 (1), 012041, 2015
Printable thermoelectric devices for energy harvesting
Z Cao
University of Southampton, 2014
Dataset for Screen printable flexible BiTe-SbTe based composite thermoelectric materials on textiles for flexible wearable applications
Z CAO, M Tudor, R Torah, S Beeby
University of Southampton, 2016
Dataset for Flexible screen printed thermoelectric generator with enhanced processes and materials
Z CAO, E Koukharenko, R Torah, M Tudor, S Beeby
University of Southampton, 2015
Screen printed flexible Bi {sub 2} Te {sub 3}-Sb {sub 2} Te {sub 3} based thermoelectric generator
Z Cao, E Koukharenko, MJ Tudor, RN Torah, SP Beeby
Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online) 476, 2013
Multilayer ferroelectret-based energy harvesting insole
J Shi, D Zhu, Z Cao, SP Beeby
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Articles 1–16