Klébesz Rita
Klébesz Rita
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Application of the Linkam TS1400XY heating stage to melt inclusion studies
R Esposito, R Klebesz, O Bartoli, Y Klyukin, D Moncada, A Doherty, ...
Open Geosciences 4 (2), 208-218, 2012
Fluid‐enhanced annealing in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the westernmost margin of the Carpathian‐Pannonian extensional basin system
LE Aradi, K Hidas, IJ Kovács, A Tommasi, R Klébesz, CJ Garrido, ...
Tectonics 36 (12), 2987-3011, 2017
Metasomatism-induced wehrlite formation in the upper mantle beneath the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin): Evidence from xenoliths
L Patkó, N Liptai, LE Aradi, R Klébesz, E Sendula, RJ Bodnar, IJ Kovács, ...
Geoscience Frontiers 11 (3), 943-964, 2020
Constraints on the thickness and seismic properties of the lithosphere in an extensional setting (Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field, Northern Pannonian Basin)
R Klébesz, Z Gráczer, G Szanyi, N Liptai, I Kovács, L Patkó, Z Pintér, ...
Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica 50, 133-149, 2015
Effect of metasomatism on the electrical resistivity of the lithospheric mantle–An integrated research using magnetotelluric sounding and xenoliths beneath the Nógrád-Gömör …
L Patkó, A Novák, R Klébesz, N Liptai, TP Lange, G Molnár, L Csontos, ...
Global and Planetary Change 197, 103389, 2021
Composition and origin of nodules from the≈ 20 ka Pomici di Base (PB)-Sarno eruption of Mt. Somma—Vesuvius, Italy
R Klébesz, RJ Bodnar, B De Vivo, K Török, A Lima, P Petrosino
Central European Journal of Geosciences 4, 324-337, 2012
Constraints on the origin of sub-effusive nodules from the Sarno (Pomici di Base) eruption of Mt. Somma-Vesuvius (Italy) based on compositions of silicate-melt inclusions and …
R Klébesz, R Esposito, B De Vivo, RJ Bodnar
American Mineralogist 100 (4), 760-773, 2015
Combined geophysical (magnetotellurics) and geochemical results for determination of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary (LAB) beneath the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field
A Novák, R Klébesz, C Szabó, V Wesztergom, L Patkó
Petrogenesis of the ultrapotassic trachyandesite at Balatonmária
R Klébesz, H Sz, T Ntaflos
Földtani Közlöny 139, 237-250, 2009
Deciphering mantle metasomatism using silicate melt inclusions beneath the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin)
L Patko, N Liptai, L Aradi, R Bodnar, E Sendula, I Kovács, R Klébesz, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 785, 2018
A balatonmáriai ultrakáli trachiandezit petrogenezise
R Klébesz, S Harangi, T Ntaflos
Földtani Közlöny 139 (3), 237-250, 2009
Metasomatism and current state of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field constrained by trace element modelling and magnetotelluric survey
R Klébesz, L Patkó, A Novák, V Wesztergom, C Szabó
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-15597, 2016
Constraints on mantle metasomatism beneath the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field with combined geochemical and geophysical approaches
L Patkó, R Klébesz, A Novák, N Liptai, C Szabó
Deformation and hydration state of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Styrian Basin (Pannonian Basin, Eastern Austria)
LE Aradi, K Hidas, IJ Kovács, R Klébesz, C Szabo
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, T13C-2740, 2016
Special Collection: Glasses, Melts, and Fluids, as Tools for Understanding Volcanic Processes and Hazards. Constraints on the origin of sub-effusive nodules from the Sarno …
R Klébesz, R Esposito, B De Vivo, RJ Bodnar
American Mineralogist 100 (4), 760-773, 2015
A mélylitoszféra kőzettani változékonysága a Bakony─ Balaton-felvidék alatt
Z Kovács, L Patkó, R Klébesz, L Aradi, L Creon-Bocquet, C Szabó
Relation between xenoliths and magnetotelluric (MT) conductors in the Pannonian Basin (PB)-Short review
R Klebesz, A Adam, A Novak, C Szabo, V Wesztergom
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 11431, 2014
Determination of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary (LAB) beneath the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field by combined geophysical (magnetotellurics) and geochemical methods
A Novák, R Klébesz, C Szabó, L Patkó, N Liptai, Z Kovács, V Wesztergom, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 10893, 2014
Constraints on the seismic properties of the mantle beneath the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin)
R Klebesz, N Liptai, I Kovacs, L Patko, Z Pinter
Understanding the complex physico-chemical features of the upper mantle beneath the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin)-A study on peridotite xenoliths
N Liptai, L Patkó, I Kovács, Z Pintér, R Klébesz
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