Hong Li (Colin)
Hong Li (Colin)
在 ntu.edu.sg 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證 - 首頁
From bulk to monolayer MoS2: evolution of Raman scattering
H Li, Q Zhang, CCR Yap, BK Tay, THT Edwin, A Olivier, D Baillargeat
Advanced Functional Materials 22 (7), 1385-1390, 2012
Single-Layer MoS2 Phototransistors
Z Yin, H Li, H Li, L Jiang, Y Shi, Y Sun, G Lu, Q Zhang, X Chen, H Zhang
ACS nano 6 (1), 74-80, 2012
Activating and optimizing MoS 2 basal planes for hydrogen evolution through the formation of strained sulphur vacancies
H Li, C Tsai, AL Koh, L Cai, AW Contryman, AH Fragapane, J Zhao, ...
Nature materials 15 (1), 48-53, 2016
Fabrication of Single‐and Multilayer MoS2 Film‐Based Field‐Effect Transistors for Sensing NO at Room Temperature
H Li, Z Yin, Q He, H Li, X Huang, G Lu, DWH Fam, AIY Tok, Q Zhang, ...
Small 8 (1), 63-67, 2012
Electrochemical generation of sulfur vacancies in the basal plane of MoS 2 for hydrogen evolution
C Tsai, H Li, S Park, J Park, HS Han, JK Nørskov, X Zheng, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1-8, 2017
Enhancing electrocatalytic water splitting by strain engineering
B You, MT Tang, C Tsai, F Abild‐Pedersen, X Zheng, H Li
Advanced Materials 31 (17), 1807001, 2019
Optoelectronic crystal of artificial atoms in strain-textured molybdenum disulphide
H Li, AW Contryman, X Qian, SM Ardakani, Y Gong, X Wang, JM Weisse, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 1-7, 2015
Optical Identification of Single‐and Few‐Layer MoS2 Sheets
H Li, G Lu, Z Yin, Q He, H Li, Q Zhang, H Zhang
Small 8 (5), 682-686, 2012
Layer thinning and etching of mechanically exfoliated MoS2 nanosheets by thermal annealing in air
J Wu, H Li, Z Yin, H Li, J Liu, X Cao, Q Zhang, H Zhang
Small 9 (19), 3314-3319, 2013
Kinetic Study of Hydrogen Evolution Reaction over Strained MoS2 with Sulfur Vacancies Using Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy
H Li, M Du, MJ Mleczko, AL Koh, Y Nishi, E Pop, AJ Bard, X Zheng
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 (15), 5123-5129, 2016
Fabrication of graphene nanomesh by using an anodic aluminum oxide membrane as a template
Z Zeng, X Huang, Z Yin, H Li, Y Chen, H Li, Q Zhang, J Ma, F Boey, ...
Advanced Materials 24 (30), 4138-4142, 2012
Enhancing Catalytic CO Oxidation over Co3O4 Nanowires by Substituting Co2+ with Cu2+
M Zhou, L Cai, M Bajdich, M García-Melchor, H Li, J He, J Wilcox, W Wu, ...
ACS Catalysis 5 (8), 4485-4491, 2015
Catalytic polysulfide conversion and physiochemical confinement for lithium–sulfur batteries
Z Sun, S Vijay, HH Heenen, AYS Eng, W Tu, Y Zhao, SW Koh, P Gao, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 10 (22), 1904010, 2020
Raw biomass electroreforming coupled to green hydrogen generation
H Zhao, D Lu, J Wang, W Tu, D Wu, SW Koh, P Gao, ZJ Xu, S Deng, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 1-10, 2021
Rapid Flame Synthesis of Atomically Thin MoO3 down to Monolayer Thickness for Effective Hole Doping of WSe2
L Cai, CJ McClellan, AL Koh, H Li, E Yalon, E Pop, X Zheng
Nano letters 17 (6), 3854-3861, 2017
Spin-Orbit Splitting in Single-Layer MoS 2 Revealed by Triply Resonant Raman Scattering
L Sun, J Yan, D Zhan, L Liu, H Hu, H Li, BK Tay, JL Kuo, CC Huang, ...
Physical review letters 111 (12), 126801, 2013
All-solid-state flexible zinc-air battery with polyacrylamide alkaline gel electrolyte
H Miao, B Chen, S Li, X Wu, Q Wang, C Zhang, Z Sun, H Li
Journal of Power Sources 450, 227653, 2020
One-Step Hydrothermal Deposition of Ni: FeOOH onto Photoanodes for Enhanced Water Oxidation
L Cai, J Zhao, H Li, J Park, IS Cho, HS Han, X Zheng
ACS Energy Letters 1 (3), 624-632, 2016
Postchemistry of organic particles: When TTF microparticles meet TCNQ microstructures in aqueous solution
J Xiao, Z Yin, H Li, Q Zhang, F Boey, H Zhang, Q Zhang
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (20), 6926-6928, 2010
A binder-free CNT network–MoS 2 composite as a high performance anode material in lithium ion batteries
C Lu, W Liu, H Li, BK Tay
Chemical Communications 50 (25), 3338-3340, 2014
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