Zhenliang Zhang
Zhenliang Zhang
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Cited by
Coverage and channel characteristics of millimeter wave band using ray tracing
Z Zhang, J Ryu, S Subramanian, A Sampath
Communications (ICC), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, 1380-1385, 2015
String submodular functions with curvature constraints
Z Zhang, EKP Chong, A Pezeshki, W Moran
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 61 (3), 601-616, 2016
Zeroth-order regularized optimization (zoro): Approximately sparse gradients and adaptive sampling
HQ Cai, D McKenzie, W Yin, Z Zhang
SIAM Journal on Optimization 32 (2), 687-714, 2022
Using known geographical information in directional wireless communication systems
US Patent 20,160,047,884, 0
Error probability bounds for balanced binary relay trees
Z Zhang, A Pezeshki, W Moran, SD Howard, EKP Chong
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 58 (6), 3548-3563, 2012
Resource partitioning in millimeter wave networks
MN Islam, S Subramanian, A Sampath, J Li, Z Zhang
US Patent 10,004,032, 2018
Submodularity and optimality of fusion rules in balanced binary relay trees
Z Zhang, EKP Chong, A Pezeshki, W Moran, SD Howard
2012 IEEE 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3802-3807, 2012
Detection performance in balanced binary relay trees with node and link failures
Z Zhang, EKP Chong, A Pezeshki, W Moran, SD Howard
IEEE transactions on signal processing 61 (9), 2165-2177, 2013
Hypothesis testing in feedforward networks with broadcast failures
Z Zhang, EKP Chong, A Pezeshki, W Moran
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 7 (5), 797-810, 2013
Submodular optimization problems and greedy strategies: A survey
Y Liu, EKP Chong, A Pezeshki, Z Zhang
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 30 (3), 381-412, 2020
Beamform scheduling based on the directionality of UEs
Z Zhang, S Subramanian, J Li, A Sampath
US Patent 9,609,648, 2017
A one-bit, comparison-based gradient estimator
HQ Cai, D McKenzie, W Yin, Z Zhang
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 60, 242-266, 2022
Near optimality of greedy strategies for string submodular functions with forward and backward curvature constraints
Z Zhang, Z Wang, EKP Chong, A Pezeshki, W Moran
52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 5156-5161, 2013
Learning in hierarchical social networks
Z Zhang, EKP Chong, A Pezeshki, W Moran, SD Howard
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 7 (2), 305-317, 2013
Performance bounds for the k-batch greedy strategy in optimization problems with curvature
Y Liu, Z Zhang, EKP Chong, A Pezeshki
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 7177-7182, 2016
Near-optimal distributed detection in balanced binary relay trees
Z Zhang, EKP Chong, A Pezeshki, B Moran, SD Howard
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 4 (4), 826-837, 2016
Polarization assisted wireless transmission
JL Zhenliang Zhang, Sundar Subramanian, Andrzej Partyka, Ashwin Sampath
US Patent 20,150,381,282, 2015
Finding the equilibrium for continuous constrained markov games under the average criteria
X Jiang, S Chen, J Yang, H Hu, Z Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 65 (12), 5399-5406, 2020
Performance bounds with curvature for batched greedy optimization
Y Liu, Z Zhang, EKP Chong, A Pezeshki
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 177, 535-562, 2018
Detection of unknown signals under complex elliptically symmetric distributions
E Baktash, M Karimi, Z Zhang, X Wang
IEEE Transactions on Communications 65 (4), 1662-1674, 2017
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Articles 1–20