Adrian Gerlich
Friction stir welding/processing of metals and alloys: A comprehensive review on microstructural evolution
A Heidarzadeh, S Mironov, R Kaibyshev, G Çam, A Simar, A Gerlich, ...
Progress in Materials Science 117, 100752, 2021
Effect of real-time cooling rate on microstructure in laser additive manufacturing
MH Farshidianfar, A Khajepour, AP Gerlich
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 231, 468-478, 2016
Synthesis of multi-walled CNT reinforced aluminium alloy composite via friction stir processing
DK Lim, T Shibayanagi, AP Gerlich
Materials Science and Engineering: A 507 (1-2), 194-199, 2009
Joining of silver nanomaterials at low temperatures: processes, properties, and applications
P Peng, A Hu, AP Gerlich, G Zou, L Liu, YN Zhou
ACS applied materials & interfaces 7 (23), 12597-12618, 2015
Stir zone microstructure and strain rate during Al 7075-T6 friction stir spot welding
A Gerlich, G Avramovic-Cingara, TH North
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 37, 2773-2786, 2006
Potentials and strategies of solid-state additive friction-stir manufacturing technology: A critical review
F Khodabakhshi, AP Gerlich
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 36, 77-92, 2018
Friction stir welding joint of dissimilar materials between AZ31B magnesium and 6061 aluminum alloys: Microstructure studies and mechanical characterizations
J Mohammadi, Y Behnamian, A Mostafaei, H Izadi, T Saeid, AH Kokabi, ...
Materials Characterization 101, 189-207, 2015
Joint formation in dissimilar Al alloy/steel and Mg alloy/steel friction stir spot welds
T Liyanage, J Kilbourne, AP Gerlich, TH North
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 14 (6), 500-508, 2009
Fabrication of metal matrix composites by friction stir processing with different particles and processing parameters
S Sahraeinejad, H Izadi, M Haghshenas, AP Gerlich
Materials Science and Engineering: A 626, 505-513, 2015
Fabrication of aluminum–alumina metal matrix composites via cold gas dynamic spraying at low pressure followed by friction stir processing
KJ Hodder, H Izadi, AG McDonald, AP Gerlich
Materials Science and Engineering: A 556, 114-121, 2012
Advances in friction stir spot welding
Z Shen, Y Ding, AP Gerlich
Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences 45 (6), 457-534, 2020
Joining of automotive sheet materials by friction-based welding methods: A review
M Haghshenas, AP Gerlich
Engineering science and technology, an international journal 21 (1), 130-148, 2018
Resistance and friction stir spot welding of DP600: a comparative study
MI Khan, ML Kuntz, P Su, A Gerlich, T North, Y Zhou
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 12 (2), 175-182, 2007
Tool penetration during friction stir spot welding of Al and Mg alloys
A Gerlich, P Su, TH North
Journal of Materials science 40, 6473-6481, 2005
Distribution and stability of carbon nanotubes during multi-pass friction stir processing of carbon nanotube/aluminum composites
H Izadi, AP Gerlich
Carbon 50 (12), 4744-4749, 2012
Intermixing in dissimilar friction stir spot welds
P Su, A Gerlich, TH North, GJ Bendzsak
Metallurgical and materials transactions A 38, 584-595, 2007
Peak temperatures and microstructures in aluminium and magnesium alloy friction stir spot welds
A Gerlich, P Su, TH North
Science and technology of welding and joining 10 (6), 647-652, 2005
Fabrication of a new Al-Mg/graphene nanocomposite by multi-pass friction-stir processing: dispersion, microstructure, stability, and strengthening
F Khodabakhshi, SM Arab, P Švec, AP Gerlich
Materials Characterization 132, 92-107, 2017
Friction stir processing of Al/SiC composites fabricated by powder metallurgy
H Izadi, A Nolting, C Munro, DP Bishop, KP Plucknett, AP Gerlich
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 213 (11), 1900-1907, 2013
Review of research progress on aluminium–magnesium dissimilar friction stir welding
LH Shah, NH Othman, A Gerlich
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 23 (3), 256-270, 2018
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