Kuan-Ting Lai
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Cited by
Video Event Detection by Inferring Temporal Instance Labels
KT Lai, XY Felix, MS Chen, SF Chang
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013 IEEE Conference on, 2014
Deep learning for brain age estimation: A systematic review
M Tanveer, MA Ganaie, I Beheshti, T Goel, N Ahmad, KT Lai, K Huang, ...
Information Fusion 96, 130-143, 2023
Sample-specific late fusion for visual category recognition
D Liu, KT Lai, G Ye, MS Chen, SF Chang
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern ¡K, 2013
Human action recognition using histogram of oriented gradient of motion history image
CP Huang, CH Hsieh, KT Lai, WY Huang
2011 first international conference on instrumentation, measurement ¡K, 2011
Recognizing complex events in videos by learning key static-dynamic evidences
KT Lai, D Liu, MS Chen, SF Chang
Computer Vision¡VECCV 2014: 13th European Conference, Zurich, Switzerland ¡K, 2014
Tagnet: triplet-attention graph networks for hashtag recommendation
YC Chen, KT Lai, D Liu, MS Chen
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 32 (3), 1148-1159, 2021
Vivid: Virtual environment for visual deep learning
KT Lai, CC Lin, CY Kang, ME Liao, MS Chen
Proceedings of the 26th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 1356-1359, 2018
Learning sample specific weights for late fusion
KT Lai, D Liu, SF Chang, MS Chen
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 24 (9), 2772-2783, 2015
The privileged sensing framework: A principled approach to improved human-autonomy integration
AR Marathe, JS Metcalfe, BJ Lance, JR Lukos, D Jangraw, KT Lai, ...
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 19 (3), 283-320, 2018
Ai wings: An aiot drone system for commanding ardupilot uavs
KT Lai, YT Chung, JJ Su, CH Lai, YH Huang
IEEE Systems Journal 17 (2), 2213-2224, 2022
Player detection and tracking in broadcast tennis video
YC Jiang, KT Lai, CH Hsieh, MF Lai
Advances in Image and Video Technology: Third Pacific Rim Symposium, PSIVT ¡K, 2009
AnyCharge: An IoT-based wireless charging service for the public
KT Lai, FC Cheng, SCT Chou, YC Chang, GW Wu, JC Tsai
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (6), 10888-10901, 2019
Mining the Networks of Telecommunication Fraud Groups using Social Network Analysis
YC Chang, KT Lai, SCT Chou, MS Chen
Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 2017
Learning pothole detection in virtual environment
JC Tsai, KT Lai, TC Dai, JJ Su, CY Siao, YC Hsu
2020 international automatic control conference (CACS), 1-5, 2020
Human action recognition using key points displacement
KT Lai, CH Hsieh, MF Lai, MS Chen
Image and Signal Processing: 4th International Conference, ICISP 2010, Trois ¡K, 2010
Efficient two-stream action recognition on fpga
JM Lin, KT Lai, BR Wu, MS Chen
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern ¡K, 2021
Who is the boss? Identifying key roles in telecom fraud network via centrality-guided deep random walk
YC Chang, KT Lai, SCT Chou, WC Chiang, YC Lin
Data Technologies and Applications 55 (1), 1-18, 2021
An efficient and resource-aware hashtag recommendation using deep neural networks
D Kao, KT Lai, MS Chen
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 23rd Pacific-Asia ¡K, 2019
Retinal blood vessel tracking and diameter estimation via Gaussian process with rider optimization algorithm
N Ahmad, KT Lai, M Tanveer
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 28 (3), 1173-1184, 2023
Minimum variance embedded intuitionistic fuzzy weighted random vector functional link network
N Ahmad, MA Ganaie, AK Malik, KT Lai, M Tanveer
International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 600-611, 2022
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Articles 1–20