Jou, R.C.
Jou, R.C.
在 ncnu.edu.tw 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
Workplace stress, job satisfaction, job performance, and turnover intention of health care workers in rural Taiwan
MC Chao, RC Jou, CC Liao, CW Kuo
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 27 (2), NP1827-NP1836, 2015
A study of job stress and turnover tendency among air traffic controllers: The mediating effects of job satisfaction
RC Jou, CW Kuo, ML Tang
Transportation research part E: logistics and transportation review 57, 95-104, 2013
Factors affecting public transportation usage rate: Geographically weighted regression
YC Chiou, RC Jou, CH Yang
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 78, 161-177, 2015
Route switching behavior on freeways with the provision of different types of real-time traffic information
RC Jou, SH Lam, YH Liu, KH Chen
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 39 (5), 445-461, 2005
Airport ground access mode choice behavior after the introduction of a new mode: A case study of Taoyuan International Airport in Taiwan
RC Jou, DA Hensher, TL Hsu
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 47 (3 …, 2011
Dynamic commuter departure time choice under uncertainty
RC Jou, R Kitamura, MC Weng, CC Chen
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 42 (5), 774-783, 2008
A cross-country study of fairness and infringement on freedom as determinants of car owners' acceptance of road pricing
S Fujii, T Gärling, C Jakobsson, RC Jou
Transportation 31, 285-295, 2004
Transferring insights into commuter behavior dynamics from laboratory experiments to field surveys
HS Mahmassani, RC Jou
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 34 (4), 243-260, 2000
Cyclists’ red-light running behaviours: An examination of risk-taking, opportunistic, and law-obeying behaviours
CW Pai, RC Jou
Accident Analysis & Prevention 62, 191-198, 2014
The effect of service quality and price on international airline competition
RC Jou, SH Lam, DA Hensher, CC Chen, CW Kuo
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 44 (4 …, 2008
Modeling the impact of pre-trip information on commuter departure time and route choice
RC Jou
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 35 (10), 887-902, 2001
Risk factors in motorcyclist fatalities in Taiwan
RC Jou, TH Yeh, RS Chen
Traffic injury prevention 13 (2), 155-162, 2012
Identifying differences in willingness to pay due to dimensionality in stated choice experiments: a cross country analysis
JM Rose, DA Hensher, S Caussade, J de Dios Ortúzar, RC Jou
Journal of Transport Geography 17 (1), 21-29, 2009
An application of cumulative prospect theory to freeway drivers’ route choice behaviours
RC Jou, KH Chen
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 49, 123-131, 2013
Comparative analysis of day-to-day trip-chaining behavior of urban commuters in two cities
RC Jou, HS Mahmassani
Transportation research record 1607 (1), 163-170, 1997
Factors affecting public transportation, car, and motorcycle usage
RC Jou, TY Chen
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 61, 186-198, 2014
Willingness to pay of air passengers for carbon-offset
RC Jou, TY Chen
Sustainability 7 (3), 3071-3085, 2015
Factors influencing traffic signal violations by car drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians: A case study from Guangdong, China
G Zhang, Y Tan, RC Jou
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 42, 205-216, 2016
Freeway drivers’ willingness-to-pay for a distance-based toll rate
RC Jou, YC Chiou, KH Chen, HI Tan
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 46 (3), 549-559, 2012
Comparability and transferability of commuter behavior characteristics between cities: departure time and route-switching decisions
RC Jou, HS Mahmassani
Transportation Research Record 1556 (1), 119-130, 1996
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