George M. Tarabulsy
George M. Tarabulsy
Professor of psychology, Laval University
在 psy.ulaval.ca 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
Efficacy of a home-visiting intervention aimed at improving maternal sensitivity, child attachment, and behavioral outcomes for maltreated children: A randomized control trial
E Moss, K Dubois-Comtois, C Cyr, GM Tarabulsy, D St-Laurent, A Bernier
Development and psychopathology 23 (1), 195-210, 2011
A meta-analysis of maternal prenatal depression and anxiety on child socioemotional development
S Madigan, H Oatley, N Racine, RMP Fearon, L Schumacher, E Akbari, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 57 (9), 645 …, 2018
The genetic‐environmental etiology of parents' perceptions and self‐assessed behaviours toward their 5‐month‐old infants in a large twin and singleton sample
M Boivin, D Pérusse, G Dionne, V Saysset, M Zoccolillo, GM Tarabulsy, ...
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 46 (6), 612-630, 2005
Stability of attachment during the preschool period.
E Moss, C Cyr, JF Bureau, GM Tarabulsy, K Dubois-Comtois
Developmental psychology 41 (5), 773, 2005
Attachment state of mind, learning dispositions, and academic performance during the college transition.
S Larose, A Bernier, GM Tarabulsy
Developmental psychology 41 (1), 281, 2005
Contingency detection and the contingent organization of behavior in interactions: implications for socioemotional development in infancy.
GM Tarabulsy, R Tessier, A Kappas
Psychological Bulletin 120 (1), 25, 1996
Another look inside the gap: ecological contributions to the transmission of attachment in a sample of adolescent mother-infant dyads.
GM Tarabulsy, A Bernier, MA Provost, J Maranda, S Larose, E Moss, ...
Developmental psychology 41 (1), 212, 2005
Maternal prenatal stress and infant birth weight and gestational age: A meta-analysis of prospective studies
EL Bussieres, GM Tarabulsy, J Pearson, R Tessier, JC Forest, Y Giguere
Developmental Review 36, 179-199, 2015
Maternal history of childhood maltreatment and later parenting behavior: A meta-analysis
LÉ Savage, GM Tarabulsy, J Pearson, D Collin-Vézina, LM Gagné
Development and psychopathology 31 (1), 9-21, 2019
Predicting preschool cognitive development from infant temperament, maternal sensitivity, and psychosocial risk
JP Lemelin, GM Tarabulsy, M Provost
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 52 (4), 779-804, 2006
Attachment goes to court: Child protection and custody issues
T Forslund, P Granqvist, MH van IJzendoorn, A Sagi-Schwartz, D Glaser, ...
Attachment & Human Development 24 (1), 1-52, 2022
Association between abuse history and adolescent pregnancy: a meta-analysis
S Madigan, M Wade, G Tarabulsy, JM Jenkins, M Shouldice
Journal of Adolescent Health 55 (2), 151-159, 2014
Both maternal sensitivity and atypical maternal behavior independently predict attachment security and disorganization in adolescent mother–infant relationships
G Moran, L Forbes, E Evans, GM Tarabulsy, S Madigan
Infant behavior and development 31 (2), 321-325, 2008
Maternal and child characteristics as antecedents of maternal mind‐mindedness
I Demers, A Bernier, GM Tarabulsy, MA Provost
Infant Mental Health Journal: Official Publication of the World Association …, 2010
Mind-mindedness in adult and adolescent mothers: Relations to maternal sensitivity and infant attachment
I Demers, A Bernier, GM Tarabulsy, MA Provost
International Journal of Behavioral Development 34 (6), 529-537, 2010
Meta-analytic findings of the relation between maternal prenatal stress and anxiety and child cognitive outcome
GM Tarabulsy, J Pearson, MP Vaillancourt-Morel, EL Bussières, ...
Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics 35 (1), 38-43, 2014
Validation of a short version of the maternal behavior Q-set applied to a brief video record of mother–infant interaction
GM Tarabulsy, MA Provost, S Bordeleau, C Trudel-Fitzgerald, G Moran, ...
Infant Behavior and Development 32 (1), 132-136, 2009
Attachment‐based intervention for maltreating families
GM Tarabulsy, D St‐Laurent, C Cyr, K Pascuzzo, E Moss, A Bernier, ...
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 78 (3), 322-332, 2008
Academically at-risk students
S Larose, GM Tarabulsy
Handbook of youth mentoring 7 (3), 440-453, 2005
Behavior problems of children in foster care: Associations with foster mothers’ representations, commitment, and the quality of mother–child interaction
K Dubois-Comtois, A Bernier, GM Tarabulsy, C Cyr, D St-Laurent, ...
Child abuse & neglect 48, 119-130, 2015
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