Salahuddin Husein
Salahuddin Husein
Geological Engineering Department, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
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Analisis Efektivitas, Kontribusi Pajak Daerah dan Retribusi Daerah (Studi Pada 11 Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Maluku)
H Husein
Accounting Research Unit (ARU Journal) 2 (2), 1-10, 2021
Sediment Dynamics and Depositional Systems of the Mahakam Delta, Indonesia: Ongoing Delta Abandonment On A Tide-Dominated Coast
S Husein, JJ Lambiase
Journal of Sedimentary Research 83 (7), 503-521, 2013
Srijono.(2007). Tinjauan Geomorfologi Pegunungan Selatan DIY/Jawa Tengah: Telaah Peran Faktor Endogenik dan Eksogenik dalam Proses Pembentukan Pegunungan
S Husein
Prosiding Workshop: Potensi geologi Pegunungan Selatan dalam pengembangan …, 2007
Kendali Stratigrafi dan Struktur Gravitasi pada Rembesan Hidrokarbon Sijenggung, Cekungan Serayu Utara
S Husein, J Jyalita, MAQ Nursecha
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebumian Ke-6 Teknik Geologi, Universitas Gadjah …, 2013
Rekonstruksi Tektonik Mikrokontinen Pegunungan Selatan Jawa Timur: Sebuah Hipotesis berdasarkan Analisis Kemagnetan Purba
S Husein, M Nukman
Proseding Seminar Nasional Kebumian Ke-8, FT-UGM, 2015
Seismic Behaviors Estimation of the Shallow and Deep Soil Layers Using Microtremor Recording and EGF Technique in Yogyakarta City, Central Java Island
ZL Kyaw, S Pramumijoyo, S Husein, TF Fathani, J Kiyono
Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 12, 31-46, 2015
S Husein
Peta Geomorfologi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Teknik …, 2010
Comparison of Curcuma domestica and Curcuma xanthorrhiza oleoresins extracted using maceration, Soxhlet, and ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE)
B Nurhadi, RA Saputra, TA Setiawati, SN Husein, FR Faressi, CD Utari, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 443 (1), 012074, 2020
Srijono.(2010). Peta Geomorfologi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
S Husein
Simposium Geologi Yogyakarta, March 2010, 1-6, 0
Buku Panduan Ekskursi Geologi Regional Jawa Timur Bagian Barat, Indonesia
S Husein, AD Titisari, YR Freski, PR Utama
Yogyakarta: Departemen Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik, UGM, 2016
Detailed Surface Structural Mapping of the Dieng Geothermal Field in Indonesia
MI Nurpratama, RW Atmaja, YT Elfina, Wibowo, A Harijoko, S Husein, ...
Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2015, 12, 2015
Paleostress Analysis to Interpret the Landslide Mechanism: a case study in Parangtritis, Yogyakarta
S Husein, I Sudarno, S Pramumijoyo, D Karnawati
Journal of Southeast Asian Applied Geology 2 (2), 104-109, 2010
A Short Note on the Seismic History of Yogyakarta Prior to the May 27, 2006 Earthquake
S Husein, S Pramumijoyo, M Thant, T Naing, J Murjaya
The Yogyakarta Earthquake of May 27, 2006, 2008
The Yogyakarta Earthquake of May 27, 2006
D Karnawati, S Pramumijoyo, R Anderson, S Husein
Star Pub., 2008
Kontrol Geologi terhadap Respon Lahan dalam Gempabumi Yogyakarta 27 Mei 2006: upaya pembuatan peta zonasi mikro di daerah Bantul
S Husein, D Karnawati, S Pramumijoyo, A Ratdomopurbo
Proceeding Seminar Nasional 2007 Geotechnics for Earthquake Engineering, 6.1 …, 2007
Fieldtrip Geologi Cekungan Jawa Timur Utara
S Husein
Buku Panduan, 11-15, 2016
Geological Structures and Tectonic Reconstruction of Luwuk, East Sulawesi
S Husein, MI Novian, DH Barianto
Proceedings Indonesian Petroleum Association 38, 16, 2014
A comparison of maceral and microlithotype indices for interpretation of coals in the Samarinda Area, Lower Kutai Basin, Indonesia
C Thuzar Win, DH Amijaya, SS Surjono, S Husein, K Watanabe
Advances in Geology 2014 (1), 571895, 2014
Oroclinal wrench tectonics of Paleogene back-arc rifting in Western Indonesia
S Husein
Proceedings Pekan Ilmiah Tahunan Iagi, 2018
Lithostratigraphy of tabul formation and onshore geology of Nunukan Island, North Kalimantan
S Husein
Journal of Applied Geology 2 (1), 25-35, 2017
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Articles 1–20