Veronica Fernandez
Veronica Fernandez
Institute of Physical and Information Technologies, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
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Long-range time-of-flight scanning sensor based on high-speed time-correlated single-photon counting
A McCarthy, RJ Collins, NJ Krichel, V Fernández, AM Wallace, GS Buller
Applied optics 48 (32), 6241-6251, 2009
A short wavelength gigahertz clocked fiber-optic quantum key distribution system
KJ Gordon, V Fernandez, PD Townsend, GS Buller
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 40 (7), 900-908, 2004
On the security of a new image encryption scheme based on chaotic map lattices
D Arroyo, R Rhouma, G Alvarez, S Li, V Fernandez
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 18 (3), 2008
Quantum key distribution system clocked at 2 GHz
KJ Gordon, V Fernandez, GS Buller, I Rech, SD Cova, PD Townsend
Optics express 13 (8), 3015-3020, 2005
On the inadequacy of the logistic map for cryptographic applications
D Arroyo, G Alvarez, V Fernandez
arXiv preprint arXiv:0805.4355, 2008
Passive optical network approach to gigahertz-clocked multiuser quantum key distribution
V Fernandez, RJ Collins, KJ Gordon, PD Townsend, GS Buller
IEEE journal of quantum electronics 43 (2), 130-138, 2007
Low timing jitter detector for gigahertz quantum key distribution
RJ Collins, RH Hadfield, V Fernandez, SW Nam, GS Buller
Electronics Letters 43 (3), 180-182, 2007
High-speed free-space quantum key distribution system for urban daylight applications
MJ García-Martínez, N Denisenko, D Soto, D Arroyo, AB Orue, ...
Applied optics 52 (14), 3311-3317, 2013
Quantum key distribution system in standard telecommunications fiber using a short wavelength single photon source
RJ Collins, PJ Clarke, V Fernández, KJ Gordon, MN Makhonin, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 107 (7), 2010
Determination of the parameters for a Lorenz system and application to break the security of two-channel chaotic cryptosystems
AB Orue, V Fernandez, G Alvarez, G Pastor, M Romera, S Li, F Montoya
Physics Letters A 372 (34), 5588-5592, 2008
Multicentric study of the effect of pre-analytical variables in the quality of plasma samples stored in biobanks using different complementary proteomic methods
J Mateos, I Carneiro, F Corrales, F Elortza, A Paradela, MS Del Pino, ...
Journal of proteomics 150, 109-120, 2017
Cryptanalysis of a new chaotic cryptosystem based on ergodicity
D Arroyo, G Alvarez, S Li, C Li, V Fernandez
International Journal of Modern Physics B 23 (05), 651-659, 2009
Correction of beam wander for a free-space quantum key distribution system operating in urban environment
A Carrasco-Casado, N Denisenko, V Fernandez
Optical Engineering 53 (8), 084112-084112, 2014
Correction of wavefront tilt caused by atmospheric turbulence using quadrant detectors for enabling fast free-space quantum communications in daylight
V Fernandez, J Gómez-García, A Ocampos-Guillén, A Carrasco-Casado
IEEE Access 6, 3336-3345, 2018
Practical side-channel attack on free-space QKD systems with misaligned sources and countermeasures
P Arteaga-Díaz, D Cano, V Fernandez
IEEE Access 10, 82697-82705, 2022
Free-space quantum key distribution
A Carrasco-Casado, V Fernández, N Denisenko
Optical Wireless Communications: An Emerging Technology, 589-607, 2016
A basic framework for the cryptanalysis of digital chaos-based cryptography
D Arroyo, G Alvarez, V Fernandez
2009 6th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, 1-6, 2009
A review of cryptographically secure PRNGs in constrained devices for the IoT
AB Orúe, L Hernández Encinas, V Fernández, F Montoya
International Joint Conference SOCO’17-CISIS’17-ICEUTE’17 León, Spain …, 2018
Method and system for generating unpredictable pseudo-random numbers
GÁ Marañón, VF Marmol, LH Encinas, FM Vitini, ABO Lopez, GP Degano, ...
US Patent App. 13/643,662, 2013
Algorithm for external arguments calculation of the nodes of a shrub in the Mandelbrot set
G Pastor, M Romera, G Alvarez, D Arroyo, AB Orúe, V Fernandez, ...
Fractals 16 (02), 159-168, 2008
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