Avik Chaudhuri
Avik Chaudhuri
Software Engineer, Meta
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Scandroid: Automated security certification of android applications
AP Fuchs, A Chaudhuri, JS Foster
Manuscript, Univ. of Maryland, http://www. cs. umd. edu/avik/projects …, 2009
Language-based security on Android
A Chaudhuri
Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN fourth workshop on programming languages and …, 2009
Automated formal analysis of a protocol for secure file sharing on untrusted storage
B Blanchet, A Chaudhuri
2008 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (sp 2008), 417-431, 2008
The ins and outs of gradual type inference
A Rastogi, A Chaudhuri, B Hosmer
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 47 (1), 481-494, 2012
Symbolic security analysis of ruby-on-rails web applications
A Chaudhuri, JS Foster
Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2010
Fast and precise type checking for JavaScript
A Chaudhuri, P Vekris, S Goldman, M Roch, G Levi
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 1 (OOPSLA), 1-30, 2017
Dynamic inference of static types for Ruby
J An, A Chaudhuri, JS Foster, M Hicks
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 46 (1), 459-472, 2011
Static typing for Ruby on Rails
J An, A Chaudhuri, JS Foster
2009 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering …, 2009
EON: Modeling and analyzing dynamic access control systems with logic programs
A Chaudhuri, P Naldurg, SK Rajamani, G Ramalingam, L Velaga
Proceedings of the 15th ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2008
Optimizing and evaluating transient gradual typing
MM Vitousek, JG Siek, A Chaudhuri
Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGPLAN international symposium on dynamic …, 2019
A concurrent ML library in concurrent Haskell
A Chaudhuri
ACM Sigplan Notices 44 (9), 269-280, 2009
The impact of optional type information on JIT compilation of dynamically typed languages
M Chang, B Mathiske, E Smith, A Chaudhuri, A Gal, M Bebenita, ...
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 47 (2), 13-24, 2011
PCAL: Language support for proof-carrying authorization systems
A Chaudhuri, D Garg
Computer Security–ESORICS 2009: 14th European Symposium on Research in …, 2009
SCanDroid: Automated security certification of Android applications
A Chaudhuri, A Fuchs, J Foster
University of Maryland, Tech. Rep. CS-TR-4991, 2009
A type system for data-flow integrity on Windows Vista
A Chaudhuri, P Naldurg, S Rajamani
Proceedings of the third ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Programming languages and …, 2008
Secrecy by typing and file-access control
A Chaudhuri, M Abadi
19th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop (CSFW'06), 12 pp.-123, 2006
Flow: Abstract interpretation of javascript for type checking and beyond
A Chaudhuri
Proceedings of the 2016 acm workshop on programming languages and analysis …, 2016
Flow: a static type checker for javascript
A Chaudhuri
SPLASH-I In Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for …, 2015
Formal security analysis of basic network-attached storage
A Chaudhuri, M Abadi
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM workshop on Formal methods in security …, 2005
Dynamic access control in a concurrent object calculus
A Chaudhuri
International Conference on Concurrency Theory, 263-278, 2006
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Articles 1–20