Yuanpu Xie
Yuanpu Xie
Airbnb Inc
在 ufl.edu 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
Deep learning in microscopy image analysis: A survey
F Xing, Y Xie, H Su, F Liu, L Yang
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 29 (10), 4550-4568, 2017
Mdnet: A semantically and visually interpretable medical image diagnosis network
Z Zhang, Y Xie, F Xing, M McGough, L Yang
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017
An automatic learning-based framework for robust nucleus segmentation
F Xing, Y Xie, L Yang
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 35 (2), 550-566, 2015
Photographic text-to-image synthesis with a hierarchically-nested adversarial network
Z Zhang, Y Xie, L Yang
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018
Pathologist-level interpretable whole-slide cancer diagnosis with deep learning
Z Zhang, P Chen, M McGough, F Xing, C Wang, M Bui, Y Xie, M Sapkota, ...
Nature Machine Intelligence 1 (5), 236-245, 2019
Beyond classification: structured regression for robust cell detection using convolutional neural network
Y Xie, F Xing, X Kong, H Su, L Yang
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2015: 18th …, 2015
Improving deep pancreas segmentation in CT and MRI images via recurrent neural contextual learning and direct loss function
J Cai, L Lu, Y Xie, F Xing, L Yang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.04912, 2017
Pancreas segmentation in MRI using graph-based decision fusion on convolutional neural networks
J Cai, L Lu, Y Xie, F Xing, L Yang
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention− MICCAI 2017 …, 2017
Efficient and robust cell detection: A structured regression approach
Y Xie, F Xing, X Shi, X Kong, H Su, L Yang
Medical image analysis 44, 245-254, 2018
Region segmentation in histopathological breast cancer images using deep convolutional neural network
H Su, F Liu, Y Xie, F Xing, S Meyyappan, L Yang
2015 IEEE 12th international symposium on biomedical imaging (ISBI), 55-58, 2015
Loss-based attention for deep multiple instance learning
X Shi, F Xing, Y Xie, Z Zhang, L Cui, L Yang
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 34 (04), 5742-5749, 2020
Deep voting: A robust approach toward nucleus localization in microscopy images
Y Xie, X Kong, F Xing, F Liu, H Su, L Yang
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2015: 18th …, 2015
Robust cell detection and segmentation in histopathological images using sparse reconstruction and stacked denoising autoencoders
H Su, F Xing, X Kong, Y Xie, S Zhang, L Yang
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2015: 18th …, 2015
Spatial clockwork recurrent neural network for muscle perimysium segmentation
Y Xie, Z Zhang, M Sapkota, L Yang
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2016: 19th …, 2016
Kernel-based supervised discrete hashing for image retrieval
X Shi, F Xing, J Cai, Z Zhang, Y Xie, L Yang
Computer Vision–ECCV 2016: 14th European Conference, Amsterdam, The …, 2016
Model size reduction using frequency based double hashing for recommender systems
C Zhang, Y Liu, Y Xie, SI Ktena, A Tejani, A Gupta, PK Myana, ...
Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 521-526, 2020
Supervised graph hashing for histopathology image retrieval and classification
X Shi, F Xing, KD Xu, Y Xie, H Su, L Yang
Medical image analysis 42, 117-128, 2017
Towards pixel-to-pixel deep nucleus detection in microscopy images
F Xing, Y Xie, X Shi, P Chen, Z Zhang, L Yang
BMC bioinformatics 20, 1-16, 2019
Xiangfei Kong, Hai Su, and Lin Yang. Beyond classification: structured regression for robust cell detection using convolutional neural network
Y Xie, F Xing
International conference on medical image computing and computer-assisted …, 2015
RecSys 2021 Challenge Workshop: Fairness-aware engagement prediction at scale on Twitter’s Home Timeline
VW Anelli, S Kalloori, B Ferwerda, L Belli, A Tejani, F Portman, ...
Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 819-824, 2021
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