Melissa Gross
Cited by
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Children & books
Z Sutherland
Scott, Foresman and Co., College Division, 1900 East Lake Ave., Glenview, IL …, 1981
What's skill got to do with it?: Information literacy skills and self‐views of ability among first‐year college students
M Gross, D Latham
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 63 (3 …, 2012
Attaining information literacy: An investigation of the relationship between skill level, self-estimates of skill, and library anxiety
M Gross, D Latham
Library & Information Science Research 29 (3), 332-353, 2007
Undergraduate perceptions of information literacy: Defining, attaining, and self-assessing skills
M Gross, D Latham
College & Research Libraries 70 (4), 336-350, 2009
Survey of information literacy instructional practices in US academic libraries
H Julien, M Gross, D Latham
College & research libraries 79 (2), 179, 2018
The imposed query
M Gross
Rq, 236-243, 1995
Imposed queries in the school library media center: A descriptive study
M Gross
Library & Information Science Research 21 (4), 501-521, 1999
Statistics, measures and quality standards for assessing digital reference library services: guidelines and procedures
J McClure
portal: Libraries and the Academy 3 (4), 692-693, 2003
The impact of low-level skills on information-seeking behavior: Implications of competency theory for research and practice
M Gross
Reference & User Services Quarterly, 155-162, 2005
Experiences with and perceptions of information: A phenomenographic study of first-year college students
M Gross, D Latham
The Library Quarterly 81 (2), 161-186, 2011
Preparing teachers and librarians to collaborate to teach 21st century skills: Views of LIS and education faculty.
D Latham, M Gross, S Witte
School Library Research 16, 2013
What the framework means to me: Attitudes of academic librarians toward the ACRL framework for information literacy for higher education
M Gross, D Latham, H Julien
Library & information science research 40 (3-4), 262-268, 2018
Cost, statistics, measures, and standards for digital reference services: A preliminary view
RD Lankes, M Gross, C McClure
Imposed information seeking in public libraries and school library media centres: A common behaviour
M Gross
Information research 6 (2), 6-2, 2001
Instructional preferences of first-year college students with below-proficient information literacy skills: A focus group study
D Latham, M Gross
College & Research Libraries 74 (5), 430-449, 2013
Studying Children's Questions: Imposed and Self-generated Information Seeking at School
M Gross
Lanham, Maryland: the Scarecrow Press, Inc, 2006
Assessing quality in digital reference services: overview of key literature on digital reference
M Gross, CR McClure, RD Lankes
School of Information Studies, Florida State University, 2001
Broken Links: Undergraduates Look Back on Their Experiences with Information Literacy in K-12 Education.
D Latham, M Gross
School Library Media Research 11, 2008
The Imposed Query and Information Services for Children.
M Gross
Journal of Youth Services in Libraries 13 (2), 10-17, 2000
Addressing below proficient information literacy skills: Evaluating the efficacy of an evidence-based educational intervention
M Gross, D Latham
Library & Information Science Research 35 (3), 181-190, 2013
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Articles 1–20