Joshua D. Kent
Joshua D. Kent
Louisiana State University | Center for GeoInformatics
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Spatial patterns and demographic indicators of effective social media content during theHorsethief Canyon fire of 2012
JD Kent, HT Capello Jr
Cartography and Geographic Information Science 40 (2), 78-89, 2013
Anthropogenic and geologic influences on subsidence in the vicinity of New Orleans, Louisiana
CE Jones, K An, RG Blom, JD Kent, ER Ivins, D Bekaert
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (5), 3867-3887, 2016
Evaluating the usefulness of functional distance measures when calibrating journey-to-crime distance decay functions
J Kent, M Leitner, A Curtis
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 30 (2), 181-200, 2006
The impact of Hurricane Katrina on reported crimes in Louisiana: A spatial and temporal analysis
M Leitner, M Barnett, J Kent, T Barnett
The Professional Geographer 63 (2), 244-261, 2011
Efficacy of standard deviational ellipses in the application of criminal geographic profiling
J Kent, M Leitner
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling 4 (3), 147-165, 2007
Evaluating land subsidence rates and their implications for land loss in the lower Mississippi River basin
L Zou, J Kent, NSN Lam, H Cai, Y Qiang, K Li
Water 8 (1), 10, 2015
A preliminary investigation of the relationships between historical crash and naturalistic driving
A Pande, S Chand, N Saxena, V Dixit, J Loy, B Wolshon, JD Kent
Accident Analysis & Prevention 101, 107-116, 2017
Bayesian journey‐to‐crime modelling of single and multiple crime‐type series in Baltimore County, MD
M Leitner, J Kent
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling 6 (3), 213-236, 2009
2005 Louisiana Hurricane Impact Atlas
Louisiana Geographic Information Center, JD Kent
Louisiana Geographic Information Center, 2005
Geoforensic analysis revisited—the application of newton’s geographic profiling method to serial burglaries in London, UK
M Leitner, J Kent, I Oldfield, E Swoope
Police Practice & Research 8 (4), 359-370, 2007
Using functional distance measures when calibrating journey-to-crime distance decay algorithms
JD Kent
Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College, 2003
Real‐Time GPS Network Monitors Bayou Corne Sinkhole Event
JD Kent, L Dunaway
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 94 (43), 385-386, 2013
Potential impacts of long-term subsidence on the wetlands and evacuation routes in coastal Louisiana
JD Kent, RK Dokka
GeoJournal 78, 641-655, 2013
Incorporating land cover within bayesian journey-to-crime estimation models
JD Kent, M Leitner
International Journal of Psychological Studies 4 (2), 120, 2012
Utilizing land cover characteristics to enhance journey-to-crime estimation models
J Kent, M Leitner
Crime mapping: a Journal of Research and Practice 1 (1), 33-54, 2009
Louisiana Hurricane Impact Atlas Volume 1, Louisiana Geographic Information Center
JD Kent
Exploration of naturalistic driving data for identifying high crash risk highway locations
A Pande, J Loy, V Dixit, K Spansel, B Wolshon, JD Kent
Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2014
A spatially accurate incident reporting system during the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster
JD Kent, RK Dokka
Journal of Emergency Management 9 (4), 69-79, 2011
Assessing the Long-term Impact of Subsidence and Global Climate Change on Emergency Evacuation Routes in Coastal Louisiana: A Report of Findings for the Gulf Coast Center for …
JD Kent
Gulf Coast subsidence: Integration of geodesy, geophysical modeling, and interferometric synthetic aperture radar observations
RG Blom, BD Chapman, R Deese, RK Dokka, EJ Fielding, B Hawkins, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2012, OS13G-07, 2012
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