George Astrakianakis
George Astrakianakis
School of Population and Public Health, UBC
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Needlestick and other potential blood and body fluid exposures among health care workers in British Columbia, Canada
H Alamgir, Y Cvitkovich, G Astrakianakis, S Yu, A Yassi
American journal of infection control 36 (1), 12-21, 2008
Are health care workers protected? An observational study of selection and removal of personal protective equipment in Canadian acute care hospitals
R Mitchell, V Roth, D Gravel, G Astrakianakis, E Bryce, S Forgie, ...
American journal of infection control 41 (3), 240-244, 2013
Impact of the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) pandemic on Canadian health care workers: a survey on vaccination, illness, absenteeism, and personal protective equipment
R Mitchell, T Ogunremi, G Astrakianakis, E Bryce, R Gervais, D Gravel, ...
American journal of infection control 40 (7), 611-616, 2012
Lung cancer risk among female textile workers exposed to endotoxin
G Astrakianakis, NS Seixas, R Ray, JE Camp, DL Gao, Z Feng, W Li, ...
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 99 (5), 357-364, 2007
Occupational risk factors for nasopharyngeal cancer among female textile workers in Shanghai, China
W Li, RM Ray, DL Gao, ED Fitzgibbons, NS Seixas, JE Camp, KJ Wernli, ...
Occupational and environmental medicine 63 (1), 39-44, 2006
Colorectal cancer incidence among female textile workers in Shanghai, China: a case-cohort analysis of occupational exposures
AJ De Roos, RM Ray, DL Gao, KJ Wernli, ED Fitzgibbons, F Ziding, ...
Cancer Causes & Control 16, 1177-1188, 2005
Pilot assessment of the antineoplastic drug contamination levels in British Columbian hospitals pre-and post-cleaning
WC Chu, CY Hon, Q Danyluk, PPS Chua, G Astrakianakis
Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice 18 (1), 46-51, 2012
Influenza vaccination and intention to receive the pandemic H1N1 influenza vaccine among healthcare workers of British Columbia, Canada: A cross-sectional study
F Kaboli, G Astrakianakis, G Li, J Guzman, T Donovan, M Naus
Non-solar ultraviolet radiation and the risk of basal and squamous cell skin cancer
CD Bajdik, RP Gallagher, G Astrakianakis, GB Hill, S Fincham, DI McLean
British journal of cancer 73 (12), 1612-1614, 1996
Cohort mortality study of pulp and paper mill workers in British Columbia, Canada
PR Band, ND Le, R Fang, WJ Threlfall, G Astrakianakis, JTL Anderson, ...
American journal of epidemiology 146 (2), 186-194, 1997
Occupational risk factors for esophageal and stomach cancers among female textile workers in Shanghai, China
KJ Wernli, ED Fitzgibbons, RM Ray, DL Gao, W Li, NS Seixas, JE Camp, ...
American Journal of Epidemiology 163 (8), 717-725, 2006
Health care workers and respiratory protection: is the user seal check a surrogate for respirator fit-testing?
Q Danyluk, CY Hon, M Neudorf, A Yassi, E Bryce, B Janssen, ...
Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene 8 (5), 267-270, 2011
Modeling, estimation and validation of cotton dust and endotoxin exposures in Chinese textile operations
G Astrakianakis, NS Seixas, JE Camp, DC Christiani, Z Feng, DB Thomas, ...
The Annals of occupational hygiene 50 (6), 573-582, 2006
Occupational exposure to chemical agents in the paper industry
K Korhonen, T Liukkonen, W Ahrens, G Astrakianakis, P Boffetta, ...
International archives of occupational and environmental health 77, 451-460, 2004
Comparison of qualitative and quantitative fit-testing results for three commonly used respirators in the healthcare sector
CY Hon, Q Danyluk, E Bryce, B Janssen, M Neudorf, A Yassi, H Shen, ...
Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene 14 (3), 175-179, 2017
A surface wipe sampling and LC–MS/MS method for the simultaneous detection of six antineoplastic drugs commonly handled by healthcare workers
M Jeronimo, M Colombo, G Astrakianakis, CY Hon
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 407, 7083-7092, 2015
Occupational exposures and breast cancer among women textile workers in Shanghai
RM Ray, DL Gao, W Li, KJ Wernli, G Astrakianakis, NS Seixas, JE Camp, ...
Epidemiology 18 (3), 383-392, 2007
Development of a job exposure matrix (JEM) for the textile industry in Shanghai, China
KJ Wernli, G Astrakianakis, JE Camp, RM Ray, CK Chang, GD Li, ...
Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene 3 (10), 521-529, 2006
Lung cancer and occupational exposures other than cotton dust and endotoxin among women textile workers in Shanghai, China
H Checkoway, RM Ray, JI Lundin, G Astrakianakis, NS Seixas, JE Camp, ...
Occupational and environmental medicine 68 (6), 425-429, 2011
Cohort cancer incidence among pulp and paper mill workers in British Columbia
PR Band, N D Le, R Fang, G Astrakianakis, J Bert, A Keefe, D Krewski
Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 113-119, 2001
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