Emily Neuhaus
Emily Neuhaus
Seattle Children's
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Ten good reasons to consider biological processes in prevention and intervention research
TP Beauchaine, E Neuhaus, SL Brenner, L Gatzke-Kopp
Development and psychopathology 20 (3), 745-774, 2008
Sympathetic-and parasympathetic-linked cardiac function and prediction of externalizing behavior, emotion regulation, and prosocial behavior among preschoolers treated for ADHD.
TP Beauchaine, L Gatzke-Kopp, E Neuhaus, J Chipman, MJ Reid, ...
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 81 (3), 481, 2013
Familial and temperamental predictors of resilience in children at risk for conduct disorder and depression
KE Shannon, TP Beauchaine, SL Brenner, E Neuhaus, L Gatzke-Kopp
Development and psychopathology 19 (3), 701-727, 2007
The effects of allostatic load on neural systems subserving motivation, mood regulation, and social affiliation
TP Beauchaine, E Neuhaus, M Zalewski, SE Crowell, N Potapova
Development and Psychopathology 23 (4), 975-999, 2011
Neurobiological correlates of social functioning in autism
E Neuhaus, TP Beauchaine, R Bernier
Clinical psychology review 30 (6), 733-748, 2010
Brief report: social skills, internalizing and externalizing symptoms, and respiratory sinus arrhythmia in autism
E Neuhaus, R Bernier, TP Beauchaine
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 44, 730-737, 2014
Face perception and learning in autism spectrum disorders
SJ Webb, E Neuhaus, S Faja
Quarterly journal of experimental psychology 70 (5), 970-986, 2017
Age-related abnormalities in white matter microstructure in autism spectrum disorders
NM Kleinhans, G Pauley, T Richards, E Neuhaus, N Martin, NM Corrigan, ...
Brain Research 1479, 1-16, 2012
Impulsivity and vulnerability to psychopathology
TP Beauchaine, E Neuhaus
Child and adolescent psychopathology, 129-156, 2008
Impulsivity and vulnerability to psychopathology
E Neuhaus, TP Beauchaine
Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Third Edition, 178-212, 2017
Subregional differences in intrinsic amygdala hyperconnectivity and hypoconnectivity in autism spectrum disorder
NM Kleinhans, MA Reiter, E Neuhaus, G Pauley, N Martin, S Dager, ...
Autism Research 9 (7), 760-772, 2016
Linking social motivation with social skill: The role of emotion dysregulation in autism spectrum disorder
E Neuhaus, SJ Webb, RA Bernier
Development and psychopathology 31 (3), 931-943, 2019
Children with autism show altered autonomic adaptation to novel and familiar social partners
E Neuhaus, RA Bernier, TP Beauchaine
Autism Research 9 (5), 579-591, 2016
Electrodermal responding predicts responses to, and may be altered by, preschool intervention for ADHD.
TP Beauchaine, E Neuhaus, LM Gatzke-Kopp, MJ Reid, J Chipman, ...
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 83 (2), 293, 2015
Gastrointestinal and psychiatric symptoms among children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
E Neuhaus, RA Bernier, SW Tham, SJ Webb
Frontiers in psychiatry 9, 515, 2018
Resting state EEG in youth with ASD: age, sex, and relation to phenotype
E Neuhaus, SJ Lowry, M Santhosh, A Kresse, LA Edwards, J Keller, ...
Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders 13, 1-15, 2021
A neurogenetic analysis of female autism
A Jack, CAW Sullivan, E Aylward, SY Bookheimer, M Dapretto, N Gaab, ...
Brain 144 (6), 1911-1926, 2021
Basal ganglia impairments in autism spectrum disorder are related to abnormal signal gating to prefrontal cortex
CS Prat, A Stocco, E Neuhaus, NM Kleinhans
Neuropsychologia 91, 268-281, 2016
The relationship between early neural responses to emotional faces at age 3 and later autism and anxiety symptoms in adolescents with autism
E Neuhaus, EJH Jones, K Barnes, L Sterling, A Estes, J Munson, ...
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 46, 2450-2463, 2016
Electrodermal response to reward and non‐reward among children with autism
E Neuhaus, RA Bernier, TP Beauchaine
Autism Research 8 (4), 357-370, 2015
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