Jonathan Ruhman
Jonathan Ruhman
Associate professor, Physics, Bar-Ilan University
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Quantum entanglement growth under random unitary dynamics
A Nahum, J Ruhman, S Vijay, J Haah
Physical Review X 7 (3), 031016, 2017
Measurement-induced phase transitions in the dynamics of entanglement
B Skinner, J Ruhman, A Nahum
Physical Review X 9 (3), 031009, 2019
A universal critical density underlying the physics of electrons at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface
A Joshua, S Pecker, J Ruhman, E Altman, S Ilani
Nature communications 3 (1), 1129, 2012
Measurement and entanglement phase transitions in all-to-all quantum circuits, on quantum trees, and in Landau-Ginsburg theory
A Nahum, S Roy, B Skinner, J Ruhman
Physical Review X Quantum 2, 010352, 2021
Enhanced superconductivity upon weakening of charge density wave transport in in the two-dimensional limit
Y Yang, S Fang, V Fatemi, J Ruhman, E Navarro-Moratalla, K Watanabe, ...
Physical Review B 98 (3), 035203, 2018
Superconductivity in dilute SrTiO3: A review
MN Gastiasoro, J Ruhman, RM Fernandes
Annals of Physics 417, 168107, 2020
Superconductivity at very low density: the case of strontium titanate
J Ruhman, PA Lee
Physical Review B 94, 224515, 2016
Gate-tunable polarized phase of two-dimensional electrons at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface
A Joshua, J Ruhman, S Pecker, E Altman, S Ilani
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (24), 9633-9638, 2013
Dynamics of entanglement and transport in one-dimensional systems with quenched randomness
A Nahum, J Ruhman, DA Huse
Physical Review B 98 (3), 035118, 2018
Superconductivity in three-dimensional spin-orbit coupled semimetals
L Savary, J Ruhman, JWF Venderbos, L Fu, PA Lee
Physical Review B 96 (21), 214514, 2017
Pairing states of spin-3/2 fermions: Symmetry-enforced topological gap functions
JWF Venderbos, L Savary, J Ruhman, PA Lee, L Fu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.04487, 2017
Chiral superconductivity in the alternate stacking compound 4Hb-TaS2
A Ribak, RM Skiff, M Mograbi, PK Rout, MH Fischer, J Ruhman, ...
Science advances 6 (13), eaax9480, 2020
Topological States in a One-Dimensional Fermi Gas with Attractive Interactions
J Ruhman, E Berg, E Altman
Physical Review Letters 114, 100401, 2015
Competition Between Kondo Screening and Magnetism at the LaAlO3 /SrTiO3 Interface
J Ruhman, A Joshua, S Ilani, E Altman
Physical Review B 90 (12), 125123, 2014
Topological degeneracy and pairing in a one-dimensional gas of spinless Fermions
J Ruhman, E Altman
Physical Review B 96, 085133, 2017
Pairing in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene: role of phonon and plasmon umklapp
C Lewandowski, D Chowdhury, J Ruhman
Physical Review B 103 (23), 235401, 2021
Magnetic memory and spontaneous vortices in a van der Waals superconductor
E Persky, AV Bjørlig, I Feldman, A Almoalem, E Altman, E Berg, I Kimchi, ...
Nature 607 (7920), 692-696, 2022
Superconductivity near a ferroelectric quantum critical point in ultra low-density Dirac materials
V Kozii, Z Bi, J Ruhman
Physical Review X 9, 031046, 2019
Nonlocal order in elongated dipolar gases
J Ruhman, EG Dalla Torre, SD Huber, E Altman
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (12), 125121, 2012
Pairing from dynamically screened Coulomb repulsion in bismuth
J Ruhman, PA Lee
Physical Review B 96, 235107, 2017
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Articles 1–20