Athanasios Koutsoklenis, PhD
Athanasios Koutsoklenis, PhD
Democritus University of Thrace
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Olfactory Cues Used for Wayfinding in Urban Environments by Individuals with Visual Impairments
A Koutsoklenis, K Papadopoulos
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 105, 692-702, 2011
Auditory Cues Used for Wayfinding in Urban Environments by Individuals with Visual Impairments
A Koutsoklenis, K Papadopoulos
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 105, 703-714, 2011
Factors affecting the reading media used by visually impaired adults
DB Goudiras, KS Papadopoulos, AC Koutsoklenis, VE Papageorgiou, ...
British Journal of Visual Impairment 27 (2), 111-127, 2009
Haptic Cues Used for Outdoor Wayfinding by Individuals with Visual Impairments
A Koutsoklenis, K Papadopoulos
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 108 (1), 43–53, 2014
ADHD in the DSM-5-TR: What has changed and what has not
A Koutsoklenis, J Honkasilta
Frontiers in psychiatry, 2023
Social Support, Social Networks, and Happiness of Individuals With Visual Impairments
K Papadopoulos, D Papakonstantinou, A Koutsoklenis, E Koustriava, ...
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 0034355214535471, 2015
Reading media used by higher-education students and graduates with visual impairments in Greece
K Papadopoulos, A Koutsoklenis
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 103 (11), 772-777, 2009
Special education provision in Greek mainstream classrooms: teachers’ characteristics and recruitment procedures in parallel support
A Koutsoklenis, V Papadimitriou
International Journal of Inclusive Education 28 (5), 561-576, 2024
The role of auditory cues in the spatial knowledge of blind individuals
K Papadopoulos, K Papadimitriou, A Koutsoklenis
International Journal of Special Education 27 (2), 168-180, 2012
Reviewing and reframing the influence of relative age on ADHD diagnosis: beyond individual psycho (patho) logy
A Koutsoklenis, J Honkasilta, K Brunila
Pedagogy, Culture & Society 28 (2), 165-181, 2020
The (un) real existence of ADHD—Criteria, functions, and forms of the diagnostic entity
J Honkasilta, A Koutsoklenis
Frontiers in sociology 7, 814763, 2022
Differences among sighted individuals and individuals with visual impairments in word intelligibility presented via synthetic and natural speech
K Papadopoulos, E Katemidou, A Koutsoklenis, E Mouratidou
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 26 (4), 278-288, 2010
Perception of synthetic and natural speech by adults with visual impairments
K Papadopoulos, A Koutsoklenis, E Katemidou, A Okalidou
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 103 (7), 403-414, 2009
Students with visual impairments in higher education institutes
A Koutsoklenis, K Papadopoulos, D Papakonstantinou, E Koustriava
Proceedings from 7th European Conference of ICEVI, Paper 33, 2009
Tourette Syndrome: School-Based Interventions for Tics and Associated Conditions.
A Koutsoklenis, Z Theodoridou
International journal of special education 27 (3), 213-223, 2012
Interrogating the effectiveness of educational practices: A critique of evidence-based psychosocial treatments for children diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
A Koutsoklenis, A Gaitanidis
Frontiers in Education 2, 11, 2017
The extent of late hiring in special education: A report on the Greek institution of Parallel Support
V Papadimitriou, A Koutsoklenis
International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 70 (7), 1264-1274, 2023
Self-esteem of Adults with Visual Impairments
KE Papadopoulos Konstantinos, Kartasidou Lefkothea, Papakonstantinou Doxa ...
Proceedings from 7th European Conference of ICEVI, Paper 34, 2009
Neuropsychological Assessment of Difficulties in Reading Spanish: A Cultural-Historical Approach
Y Solovieva, A Koutsoklenis, LR Quintanar
Psychology in Russia 14 (4), 51-65, 2021
People with Visual Impairments: Views of Sighted Individuals
KA Papadopoulos Konstantinos, Koustriava Eleni, Papakonstantinou Doxa
Proceedings from 7th European Conference of ICEVI, Paper 35, 2009
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