Jesus Garcia Molina
Jesus Garcia Molina
Profesor of Computer Science, University of Murcia
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Cited by
El lenguaje unificado de modelado
G Booch, J Rumbaugh, I Jacobson, JS Martínez, JJG Molina
Addison wesley, 1999
Inferring versioned schemas from NoSQL databases and its applications
D Sevilla Ruiz, SF Morales, J García Molina
Conceptual Modeling: 34th International Conference, ER 2015, Stockholm …, 2015
RubyTL: A practical, extensible transformation language
JS Cuadrado, JG Molina, MM Tortosa
Model Driven Architecture–Foundations and Applications: Second European …, 2006
Introducción a la arquitectura bioclimática
M Rodríguez, A Figueroa, V Fuentes, G Castorena, V Huerta, J García
México d. F.: limusa, uam Azcapotzalco, 2001
Morsa: A scalable approach for persisting and accessing large models
J Espinazo Pagán, J Sánchez Cuadrado, J García Molina
International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems …, 2011
Introducción al proceso software personal
WS Humphrey, JZ Martínez, JG Molina, JAC Somolinos
Addison-Wesley, 2001
Building domain-specific languages for model-driven development
JS Cuadrado, JG Molina
IEEE software 24 (5), 48-55, 2007
A formal model of views for object‐oriented database systems
G Guerrini, E Bertino, B Catania, J Garcia‐Molina
Theory and Practice of Object Systems 3 (3), 157-183, 1997
A unified metamodel for NoSQL and relational databases
CJF Candel, DS Ruiz, JJ García-Molina
Information Systems 104, 101898, 2022
Extracting models from source code in software modernization
JL Cánovas Izquierdo, J García Molina
Software & Systems Modeling 13, 713-734, 2014
Modularization of model transformations through a phasing mechanism
JS Cuadrado, JG Molina
Software & Systems Modeling 8, 325-345, 2009
Desarrollo de software dirigido por modelos: conceptos, métodos y herramientas
JG Molina, FOG Rubio, V Pelechano, A Vallecillo, JM Vara, ...
Alfaomega, 2014
A domain-specific language for context modeling in context-aware systems
JR Hoyos, J García-Molina, JA Botía
Journal of Systems and Software 86 (11), 2890-2905, 2013
Approaches for model transformation reuse: Factorization and composition
J Sánchez Cuadrado, J García Molina
International Conference on Theory and Practice of Model Transformations …, 2008
Applying model-driven engineering in small software enterprises
JS Cuadrado, JLC Izquierdo, JG Molina
Science of Computer Programming 89, 176-198, 2014
An architecture-driven modernization tool for calculating metrics
J Canovas, JG Molina
IEEE software 27 (4), 37-43, 2010
A domain specific language for extracting models in software modernization
JL Cánovas Izquierdo, JG Molina
European Conference on Model Driven Architecture-Foundations and …, 2009
A model-based approach to families of embedded domain-specific languages
JS Cuadrado, JG Molina
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 35 (6), 825-840, 2009
Model-driven reverse engineering of legacy graphical user interfaces
ÓS Ramón, JS Cuadrado, JG Molina
Automated Software Engineering 21 (2), 147-186, 2014
Model-driven reverse engineering of legacy graphical user interfaces
Ó Sánchez Ramón, J Sánchez Cuadrado, J García Molina
Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM international conference on Automated software …, 2010
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Articles 1–20