Vivek Venugopal
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Cited by
Monte Carlo based method for fluorescence tomographic imaging with lifetime multiplexing using time gates
J Chen, V Venugopal, X Intes
Biomedical optics express 2 (4), 871-886, 2011
Full-field time-resolved fluorescence tomography of small animals
V Venugopal, J Chen, F Lesage, X Intes
Optics letters 35 (19), 3189-3191, 2010
Development of an optical imaging platform for functional imaging of small animals using wide-field excitation
V Venugopal, J Chen, X Intes
Biomedical optics express 1 (1), 143-156, 2010
Time-resolved diffuse optical tomography with patterned-light illumination and detection
J Chen, V Venugopal, F Lesage, X Intes
Optics letters 35 (13), 2121-2123, 2010
Quantitative tomographic imaging of intermolecular FRET in small animals
V Venugopal, J Chen, M Barroso, X Intes
Biomedical optics express 3 (12), 3161-3175, 2012
Design and characterization of an optimized simultaneous color and near-infrared fluorescence rigid endoscopic imaging system
V Venugopal, M Park, Y Ashitate, F Neacsu, F Kettenring, JV Frangioni, ...
Journal of biomedical optics 18 (12), 126018-126018, 2013
Adaptive wide-field optical tomography
V Venugopal, X Intes
Journal of biomedical optics 18 (3), 036006-036006, 2013
Recent advances in optical mammography
V Venugopal, X Intes
Current Medical Imaging 8 (3), 244-259, 2012
Endocrine-specific NIR fluorophores for adrenal gland targeting
M HoáPark, GE Fakhri, H SooáChoi
Chemical Communications 52 (67), 10305-10308, 2016
Ex Vivo Fluorescence Molecular Tomography of the Spine
M Pimpalkhare, J Chen, V Venugopal, X Intes
International Journal of Biomedical Imaging 2012 (1), 942326, 2012
Near‐infrared imaging for the assessment of anastomotic patency, thrombosis, and reperfusion in microsurgery: A pilot study in a porcine model
CR Vargas, JT Nguyen, Y Ashitate, J Silvestre, V Venugopal, F Neacsu, ...
Microsurgery 35 (4), 309-314, 2015
Intraoperative hemifacial composite flap perfusion assessment using spatial frequency domain imaging: a pilot study in preparation for facial transplantation
CR Vargas, JT Nguyen, Y Ashitate, J Angelo, V Venugopal, F Kettenring, ...
Annals of plastic surgery 76 (2), 249-255, 2016
Near-infrared imaging of face transplants: are both pedicles necessary?
JT Nguyen, Y Ashitate, V Venugopal, F Neacsu, F Kettenring, ...
Journal of Surgical Research 184 (1), 714-721, 2013
Robust imaging strategies in time-resolved optical tomography
V Venugopal, J Chen, X Intes
Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue X 8578, 396-403, 2013
A small animal time-resolved optical tomography platform using wide-field excitation
V Venugopal
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2011
Multimodal diffuse optical imaging for biomedical applications
V Venugopal, Q Fang, X Intes
Biophotonics for Medical Applications, 3-24, 2015
Quantifying optical properties in small animals using MR-guided multispectral time-resolved imaging
V Venugopal, J Chen, X Intes
Multimodal Biomedical Imaging IV 7171, 240-247, 2009
Depth-enhanced fluorescence imaging using masked detection of structured illumination
J Angelo, V Venugopal, F Fantoni, V Poher, IJ Bigio, L Herve, JM Dinten, ...
Journal of biomedical optics 19 (11), 116008-116008, 2014
Masked detection of structured illumination (MDSI): depth sensitive fluorescence measurement
J Angelo, V Venugopal, F Fantoni, IJ Bigio, L Herve, JM Dinten, V Poher, ...
Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue X 8578, 101-105, 2013
Real-time endoscopic guidance using near-infrared fluorescent light for thoracic surgery
V Venugopal, A Stockdale, F Neacsu, F Kettenring, JV Frangioni, ...
Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic Systems XI 8572, 128-132, 2013
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Articles 1–20