Golnaz Mirfenderesgi
Golnaz Mirfenderesgi
Assistant Professor of Practice, The Ohio State University
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Cited by
Methanogenesis in oxygenated soils is a substantial fraction of wetland methane emissions
KW Jordan Angle, Timothy Morin, Lindsey Solden, Adrienne Narrowe, Garrett ...
Nature Communications, 2017
Species‐specific transpiration responses to intermediate disturbance in a northern hardwood forest
AM Matheny, G Bohrer, CS Vogel, TH Morin, L He, RPM Frasson, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 119 (12), 2292-2311, 2014
Trait-based representation of hydrological functional properties of plants in weather and ecosystem models
AM Matheny, G Mirfenderesgi, G Bohrer
Plant diversity 39 (1), 1-12, 2017
Tree level hydrodynamic approach for resolving aboveground water storage and stomatal conductance and modeling the effects of tree hydraulic strategy
G Mirfenderesgi, G Bohrer, AM Matheny, S Fatichi, RP de Moraes Frasson, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 121 (7), 1792-1813, 2016
Jasmonate mediates salt-induced nicotine biosynthesis in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.)
X Chen, X Zhang, A Jia, G Xu, H Hu, X Hu, L Hu
Plant diversity 38 (2), 118-123, 2016
Hydrodynamic trait coordination and cost–benefit trade‐offs throughout the isohydric–anisohydric continuum in trees
G Mirfenderesgi, AM Matheny, G Bohrer
Ecohydrology 12 (1), e2041, 2019
Adaptive Metamodeling-based Simulation Optimization In Basin-scale Optimum Water Allocation: A Comparative Analysis of Meta-models
G Mirfenderesgi, SJ Mousavi
Journal of Hydroinformatics, 2015
Evaporation and CO2 fluxes in a coastal reef: an eddy covariance approach
AC Rey-Sánchez, G Bohrer, TH Morin, D Shlomo, G Mirfenderesgi, ...
Ecosystem health and sustainability 3 (10), 1392830, 2017
Hydrodynamic trait coordination and cost–benefit trade-offs throughout the isohydric–anisohydric continuum in trees. Ecohydrology 12 (1): e2041
G Mirfenderesgi, AM Matheny, G Bohrer
Comparison of Support Vector Machines and Response Surface Models in Meta-Modeling Applied in BasinScale Optimum Water Allocation
G Mirfenderesgi, SJ Mousavi
19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Perth, Australia …, 2011
Development of a flexible modeling framework for representing soil-plant continuum in the E3SM global land model
G Bisht, WJ Riley, G Mirfenderesgi, G Bohrer, AM Matheny
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, B51I-2058, 2018
Tree-Level Recovery from Hydraulic Stress: Insights from Experiments and Hydrodynamic Models
G Bohrer, N Ruehr, S Fatichi, AM Matheny, R Rehschuh, G Mirfenderesgi
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, B51I-2061, 2018
Simulating the role of vegetation hydrodynamics on land-atmosphere carbon, water and energy exchange
DT Drewry, G Bohrer, G Mirfenderesgi
2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5--10), 2018
Methane Production/Consumption within the Soil Column and Associated Atmospheric Emissions Among Different Land Cover Types of a Lake Erie Estuarine Wetland.
C Rey-Sanchez, T Morin, J Angle, G Mirfenderesgi, K Stefanik, K Wrighton, ...
33rd Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology/12th Fire and Forest …, 2018
Development of a Novel Hydrodynamic Approach for Modeling Whole-plant Transpiration
G Mirfenderesgi
The Ohio State University, 2017
Evaporation and CO2 fluxes in a coastal reef: an eddy covariance approach
AG A. Camilo Rey-Sánchez, Gil Bohrer , Timothy H. Morin, Dekel Shlomo ...
Plant hydrodynamics help govern forest water cycling response to intermediate severity disturbance
AM Matheny, G Bohrer, G Mirfenderesgi, TH Morin, C Rey Sanchez, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, B14B-06, 2016
Forest disturbance spurs growth of modeling and technology
G Bohrer, AM Matheny, G Mirfenderesgi, TH Morin, AC Rey Sanchez, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, B44A-04, 2016
Tree-Level Hydrodynamic Approach for Modeling Aboveground Water Storage and Stomatal Conductance Highlights the Effects of Tree Hydraulic Strategy
G Mirfenderesgi, G Bohrer, AM Matheny, S Fatichi, RPM Frasson, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, B11B-0434, 2016
Tree to plot scaling-how individual properties and species specific traits add up to describe a forest
G Bohrer, G Mirfenderesgi, AM Matheny, S Fatichi
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, B11B-0438, 2016
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Articles 1–20