Azie Aziz
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Cited by
Smart water-quality monitoring system based on enabled real-time internet of things
AJ Ramadhan, A Ali, H Kareem
J. Eng. Sci. Technol 15 (6), 3514-3527, 2020
Locating and characterizing burials using 3D ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) at the historic Mueschke Cemetery, Houston, Texas
Aziz, Azie, Stewart, Robert, Green, Susan, Flores
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 8, 392-406, 2016
Development of wireless electric concept powering electrical appliances
H Daud, N Yahya, AA Aziz, MF Jusoh
Am. J. Eng. Applied Sci 1, 12-15, 2008
Synthesis and charaterization of magnesium zinc ferrites as electromagnetic source
N Yahya, MN Aripin, A Salwani, A Aziz, H Daud, H M Zaid
American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 1 (1), 54-57, 2008
Computational study of structural, thermoelectric, elastic and optoelectronic properties of new halide perovskites CsRbTeX6 (X= I, Br and Cl) for solar cell applications
A Harbi, A Aziz, M Moutaabbid
Inorganic Chemistry Communications 153, 110842, 2023
Rainfall-runoff modeling of the trans-boundary Kabul River basin using Integrated Flood Analysis System (IFAS)
A Aziz
Pakistan Journal of Meteorology (Pakistan) 10 (20), 2016
Advances in electromagnetics for reservoir monitoring
KM Strack, AA Aziz
Geohorizons 18, 32-44, 2013
Synthesis of Al3Fe5O12 cubic structure by extremely low sintering temperature of sol gel technique
N Yahya, RM Al Habashi, H Daud, A A Aziz, H M Zaid
American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2 (1), 76-79, 2009
Application of mobile phone in medical image transmission
AA Aziz, R Besar
4th National Conference of Telecommunication Technology, 2003. NCTT 2003 …, 2003
Flood forecasting of an ungauged trans-boundary Chenab River basin using distributed hydrological model Integrated Flood Analysis System (IFAS)
A Aziz, S Hussain
Pakistan Journal of Meteorology 13 (26), 2017
Surface-to-borehole TEM for reservoir monitoring
AA Aziz, K Strack, T Hanstein
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG-2011-1882, 2011
New Receiver Architecture Based on Optical Parallel Interference Cancellation for the Optical CDMA.
N Elfadel, AA Aziz, E Idriss, A Mohammed, NM Saad
J. Commun. 3 (1), 64-70, 2008
Impact of Islamic Value as Strength of Human Resources Management Practice on the Organization Commitment?; Conceptual Framework
ZI Balla, R Alias, A Aziz, M Isa, OS Zaroog, Y Osman
International Review of Management and Marketing 6 (8S), 306-309, 2016
Paddy soil quality assessment to sustaining food security
WS Dewi, MR Romadhon, DD Amalina, A Aziz
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1107 (1), 012051, 2022
Study of optical spectral CDMA zero cross-correlation code
EI Babekir, NM Saad, N Elfadel, A Mohammed, A Aziz, MS Anuar, ...
Int. J. Comput. Sci. Network Security 7, 315-320, 2007
Chairunas. 2015. Pengaruh penggunaan biochar terhadap efisiensi pemupukan kedelai di lahan sawah Kabupaten Aceh Timur
A Azis, BA Bakar
Prosiding Seminar Hasil Penelitian Tanaman Aneka Kacang dan Umbi. Hal, 117-123, 0
Coconut farming development strategy in Bireuen Regency using hierarchy process analysis
A Baihaqi, R Romano, AH Hamid, I Indra, S Kasimin, Z Ulya, BA Bakar, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1183 (1), 012026, 2023
Optimizations in vertical handoff decision algorithms for real time services
S Rizvi, A Aziz, NM Saad
2010 International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems, 1-4, 2010
Geophysical acquisition system
J Jiang, AA Aziz, Y Liu, KM Strack
US 9, 057,801, 2015
Full field array electromagnetics: a tool kit for 3D applications to unconventional resources
KM Strack, AA Aziz
GSH spring symposium honoring RE Sheriff 28, 2012
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Articles 1–20