Liang MA
Cited by
Cited by
An efficient method for evaluating the natural frequencies of structures with uncertain-but-bounded parameters
SH Chen, L Ma, GW Meng, R Guo
Computers & structures 87 (9-10), 582-590, 2009
Modeling of erodent particle trajectories in slurry flow
L Ma, C Huang, Y Xie, J Jiang, KY Tufa, R Hui, ZS Liu
Wear 334, 49-55, 2015
Combined approximation for reanalysis of complex eigenvalues
L Ma, SH Chen, GW Meng
Computers & structures 87 (7-8), 502-506, 2009
Dynamic response reanalysis for modified structures under arbitrary excitation using epsilon-algorithm
SH Chen, L Ma, G Meng
Computers & structures 86 (23-24), 2095-2101, 2008
A method to calculate the bulk hardness of metal matrix composite using Hadfield steel reinforced with niobium carbide particles as an example
L Ma, C Huang, K Dolman, X Tang, J Yang, Z Shi, ZS Liu
Mechanics of Materials 112, 154-162, 2017
Microstructure changes induced by capillary condensation in catalyst layers of PEM fuel cells
L Ma, ZS Liu, C Huang, SH Chen, GW Meng
International journal of hydrogen energy 35 (22), 12182-12190, 2010
Prediction of acid rock drainage in waste rock piles Part 1: Water film model for geochemical reactions and application to a full-scale case study
L Ma, C Huang, ZS Liu, KA Morin, M Aziz, C Meints
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 220, 98-107, 2019
Cracks formation and residual stress in chromium carbide overlays
L Ma, C Huang, J Jiang, R Hui, Y Xie, ZS Liu
Engineering Failure Analysis 31, 320-337, 2013
Artificial neural network for prediction of full-scale seepage flow rate at the equity silver mine
L Ma, C Huang, ZS Liu, KA Morin, M Aziz, C Meints
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 231, 1-15, 2020
The characteristic properties of waste rock piles in terms of metal leaching
ZS Liu, C Huang, L Ma, E Dy, Z Xie, K Tufa, EA Fisher, J Zhou, K Morin, ...
Journal of contaminant hydrology 226, 103540, 2019
A full-scale case study on the leaching process of acid rock drainage in waste rock piles and the net infiltration through cover systems
L Ma, C Huang, ZS Liu, KA Morin, E Dy, K Tufa, E Fisher, J Zhou, M Aziz, ...
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 231, 1-16, 2020
The correlation between drainage chemistry and weather for full-scale waste rock piles based on artificial neural network
L Ma, C Huang, ZS Liu, KA Morin, M Aziz, C Meints
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 239, 103793, 2021
Experimental models of metal leaching for scaling-up to the field
ZS Liu, C Huang, L Ma, E Dy, Z Xie, M Aziz, C Meints, K Morin, M O’Kane, ...
The 9-th Australian Workshop on Acid and Metalliferous Drainage, 44, 2017
Efficient computation for dynamic responses of systems with time-varying characteristics
L Ma, Y Chen, S Chen, G Meng
Acta Mechanica Sinica 25, 699-705, 2009
Prediction of acid rock drainage in waste rock piles part 2: Water flow patterns and leaching process
L Ma, C Huang, ZS Liu, KA Morin, M Aziz, C Meints
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 242, 103862, 2021
Predicting Naphthenic Acid Migration Through the Foundation of Oil Sands Tailing Pond
L Ma, C Huang, ZS Liu
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 230, 1-11, 2019
Observations and explanations from the monitoring data of Equity Silver Mine, Canada
ZS Liu, C Huang, L Ma, KA Morin, M Aziz, C Meints
IN: 9th Australian Workshop on Acid and Metalliferous Drainage, 146-155, 2017
A Machine Learning Approach for Prediction of the Quantity of Mine Waste Rock Drainage in Areas with Spring Freshet
C Zhang, L Ma, W Liu
Minerals 13 (3), 376, 2023
Machine learning on the correlation between weather condition and seepage rate: a case study on 20 years monitoring data from a waste rock dump
L Ma, C Huang, Z Liu, K Morin, M Aziz, C Meints
The Application of Artificial Neural Network to Predicting the Drainage from Waste Rock Storages
L Ma, C Huang, ZS Liu
Deep Learning Applications, 2021
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Articles 1–20