Jack CY Cheng
Jack CY Cheng
在 cuhk.edu.hk 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
SL Weinstein, LA Dolan, JCY Cheng, A Danielsson, JA Morcuende
The lancet 371 (9623), 1527-1537, 2008
Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
JC Cheng, RM Castelein, WC Chu, AJ Danielsson, MB Dobbs, TB Grivas, ...
Nature reviews disease primers 1 (1), 1-21, 2015
Limb fracture pattern in different pediatric age groups: a study of 3,350 children
JCY Cheng, WY Shen
Journal of orthopaedic trauma 7 (1), 15-22, 1993
A 10-year study of the changes in the pattern and treatment of 6,493 fractures
JCY Cheng, BKW Ng, SY Ying, PKW Lam
Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 19 (3), 344-350, 1999
The clinical presentation and outcome of treatment of congenital muscular torticollis in infants—a study of 1,086 cases
JCY Cheng, SP Tang, TMK Chen, MWN Wong, EMC Wong
Journal of pediatric surgery 35 (7), 1091-1096, 2000
Clinical determinants of the outcome of manual stretching in the treatment of congenital muscular torticollis in infants: a prospective study of eight hundred and twenty-one cases
JCY Cheng, MWN Wong, SP Tang, TMK Chen, SLF Shum, EMC Wong
JBJS 83 (5), 679-687, 2001
Double-blind, controlled calcium supplementation and bone mineral accretion in children accustomed to a low-calcium diet
WT Lee, SS Leung, SH Wang, YC Xu, WP Zeng, J Lau, SJ Oppenheimer, ...
The American journal of clinical nutrition 60 (5), 744-750, 1994
Infantile torticollis: a review of 624 cases
JCY Cheng, AWY Au
Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 14 (6), 802-808, 1994
Relative anterior spinal overgrowth in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: results of disproportionate endochondral-membranous bone growth
X Guo, WW Chau, YL Chan, JCY Cheng
The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume 85 (7), 1026-1031, 2003
A follow-up study on the effects of calcium-supplement withdrawal and puberty on bone acquisition of children
WT Lee, SS Leung, DM Leung, JC Cheng
The American journal of clinical nutrition 64 (1), 71-77, 1996
The effect of backpack load on the gait of normal adolescent girls
DHK Chow, MLY Kwok, ACK Au-Yang, AD Holmes, JCY Cheng, FYD Yao, ...
Ergonomics 48 (6), 642-656, 2005
Epidemiological features of supracondylar fractures of the humerus in Chinese children
JCY Cheng, TP Lam, N Maffulli
Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics B 10 (1), 63-67, 2001
A meta-analysis of the clinical effectiveness of school scoliosis screening
DYT Fong, CF Lee, KMC Cheung, JCY Cheng, BKW Ng, TP Lam, KH Mak, ...
Spine 35 (10), 1061-1071, 2010
Closed reduction and percutaneous pinning for type III displaced supracondylar fractures of the humerus in children
JCY Cheng, TP Lam, WY Shen
Journal of orthopaedic trauma 9 (6), 511-515, 1995
Generalized low areal and volumetric bone mineral density in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
JCY Cheng, L Qin, CSK Cheung, AHL Sher, KM Lee, SWE Ng, X Guo
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 15 (8), 1587-1595, 2000
Osteopenia: a new prognostic factor of curve progression in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
VWY Hung, L Qin, CSK Cheung, TP Lam, BKW Ng, YK Tse, X Guo, ...
JBJS 87 (12), 2709-2716, 2005
Top theories for the etiopathogenesis of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
WJ Wang, HY Yeung, WCW Chu, NLS Tang, KM Lee, Y Qiu, RG Burwell, ...
Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 31, S14-S27, 2011
Clinical effectiveness of school screening for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a large population-based retrospective cohort study
KDK Luk, CF Lee, KMC Cheung, JCY Cheng, BKW Ng, TP Lam, KH Mak, ...
Spine 35 (17), 1607-1614, 2010
A randomized double-blind controlled calcium supplementation trial, and bone height acquisition in children
WTK Lee, SSF Leung, DY Leung, HSY Tsang, J Lau, JCY Cheng
British Journal of Nutrition 74 (1), 125-139, 1995
The Chinese Visible Human (CVH) datasets incorporate technical and imaging advances on earlier digital humans
SX Zhang, PA Heng, ZJ Liu, LW Tan, MG Qiu, QY Li, RX Liao, K Li, ...
Journal of Anatomy 204 (3), 165-173, 2004
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