Jianliang Xu (徐建良)
Jianliang Xu (徐建良)
Chair Professor of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University
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Cited by
A generic framework for monitoring continuous spatial queries over moving objects
H Hu, J Xu, DL Lee
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2005
Processing private queries over untrusted data cloud through privacy homomorphism
H Hu, J Xu, C Ren, B Choi
2011 IEEE 27th International Conference on Data Engineering, 601-612, 2011
Protecting location privacy against location-dependent attack in mobile services
X Pan, J Xu, X Meng
Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Information and knowledge …, 2008
Data management in location-dependent information services
DL Lee, J Xu, B Zheng, WC Lee
IEEE Pervasive computing 1 (3), 65-72, 2002
Cache invalidation and replacement strategies for location-dependent data in mobile environments
B Zheng, J Xu, DL Lee
IEEE Transactions on Computers 51 (10), 1141-1153, 2002
vChain: Enabling verifiable boolean range queries over blockchain databases
C Xu, C Zhang, J Xu
Proceedings of the 2019 international conference on management of data, 141-158, 2019
Extending network lifetime for precision-constrained data aggregation in wireless sensor networks.
X Tang, J Xu
Differentially private high-dimensional data publication via sampling-based inference
R Chen, Q Xiao, Y Zhang, J Xu
Proceedings of the 21th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2015
Top-k monitoring in wireless sensor networks
M Wu, J Xu, X Tang, WC Lee
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 19 (7), 962-976, 2007
Top-k monitoring in wireless sensor networks
M Wu, J Xu, X Tang, WC Lee
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 19 (7), 962-976, 2007
Time-critical on-demand data broadcast: Algorithms, analysis, and performance evaluation
J Xu, X Tang, WC Lee
IEEE Transactions on parallel and distributed systems 17 (1), 3-14, 2005
Proxy caching for media streaming over the Internet
J Liu, J Xu
IEEE Communications magazine 42 (8), 88-94, 2004
Performance evaluation of an optimal cache replacement policy for wireless data dissemination
J Xu, Q Hu, WC Lee, DL Lee
IEEE Transactions on knowledge and Data Engineering 16 (1), 125-139, 2004
QoS-aware replica placement for content distribution
X Tang, J Xu
IEEE Transactions on parallel and distributed systems 16 (10), 921-932, 2005
Performance analysis of location-dependent cache invalidation schemes for mobile environments
J Xu, X Tang, DL Lee
IEEE transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 15 (2), 474-488, 2003
Privacy-conscious location-based queries in mobile environments
J Xu, X Tang, H Hu, J Du
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 21 (3), 313-326, 2009
VFChain: Enabling verifiable and auditable federated learning via blockchain systems
Z Peng, J Xu, X Chu, S Gao, Y Yao, R Gu, Y Tang
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 9 (1), 173-186, 2021
Gem^2-tree: A gas-efficient structure for authenticated range queries in blockchain
C Zhang, C Xu, J Xu, Y Tang, B Choi
2019 IEEE 35th international conference on data engineering (ICDE), 842-853, 2019
Grid-partition index: a hybrid method for nearest-neighbor queries in wireless location-based services
B Zheng, J Xu, WC Lee, DL Lee
The VLDB Journal 15, 21-39, 2006
Placement problems for transparent data replication proxy services
J Xu, B Li, DL Lee
IEEE Journal on Selected areas in Communications 20 (7), 1383-1398, 2002
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Articles 1–20