Venkatesha M. K.
Venkatesha M. K.
Principal of RNS Institute of Technology, VTU
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Cited by
An improved design of a multiplier using reversible logic gates
HR Bhagyalakshmi, MK Venkatesha
International journal of engineering science and technology 2 (8), 3838-3845, 2010
Optimized reversible BCD adder using new reversible logic gates
HR Bhagyalakshmi, MK Venkatesha
arXiv preprint arXiv:1002.3994, 2010
A survey on facial expression databases
C Anitha, MK Venkatesha, BS Adiga
International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 2 (10), 5158-5174, 2010
Optimized multiplier using reversible multi-control input toffoli gates
HR Bhagyalakshmi, MK Venkatesha
International Journal of VLSI Design & Communication Systems 3 (6), 27, 2012
A two fold expert system for yawning detection
C Anitha, MK Venkatesha, BS Adiga
Procedia computer science 92, 63-71, 2016
Pattern recognition techniques in on-line hand written signature verification-A survey
KR Radhika, GN Sekhar, MK Venkatesha
2009 International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, 216-221, 2009
An approach for on-line signature authentication using Zernike moments
KR Radhika, MK Venkatesha, GN Sekhar
Pattern Recognition Letters 32 (5), 749-760, 2011
Off-line signature authentication based on moment invariants using support vector machine
R Radhika, MK Venkatesha, GN Sekhar
Journal of Computer Science 6 (3), 305, 2010
Design of sequential circuit elements using reversible logic gates
HR Bhagyalakshmi, MK Venkatesha
World Applied Programming 2 (5), 263-271, 2012
Digital filter for cochlear implant implemented on a field-programmable gate array
RV Dundur, MV Latte, SY Kulkarni, MK Venkatesha
proceedings of world academy of science, engineering and technology 33, 2008
Design of a multifunction BVMF reversible logic gate and its applications
HR Bhagyalakshmi, MK Venkatesha
International Journal of Computer Applications 32 (3), 36-41, 2011
Revisiting feature level and score level fusion techniques in multimodal biometrics system
MJ Sudhamani, MK Venkatesha, KR Radhika
2012 International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, 881-885, 2012
Fusion at decision level in multimodal biometric authentication system using Iris and Finger Vein with novel feature extraction
MJ Sudhamani, MK Venkatesha, KR Radhika
2014 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), 1-6, 2014
Multi-modal authentication using continuous dynamic programming
KR Radhika, SV Sheela, MK Venkatesha, GN Sekhar
European Workshop on Biometrics and Identity Management, 228-235, 2009
Signature authentication based on subpattern analysis
KR Radhika, MK Venkatesha, GN Sekhar
Applied Soft Computing 11 (3), 3218-3228, 2011
Optimized design of BCD adder and Carry skip BCD adder using reversible logic gates
HR Bhagyalakshmi, MK Venkatesha
International journal on computer science and Engineering 3 (4), 1439-1449, 2011
A low-power low-voltage CMOS thyristor based delay element
PV Manjunath, HR Baghyalakshmi, MK Venkatesha
2009 Second International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering …, 2009
On-line signature authentication using Zernike moments
KR Radhika, MK Venkatesha, GN Shekar
2009 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications …, 2009
Real Time Detection and Tracking of Mouth Region of Single Human Face
C Anitha, MK Venkatesha, BS Adiga
2015 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Modelling and …, 2015
Linear Suboptimal PWM Switching for Microprocessor Controlled Inverters
MK Venkatesha, R Adiga, KA Krishnamurthy
TENCON'91. Region 10 International Conference on EC3-Energy, Computer …, 1991
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Articles 1–20