Jeeyun Oh
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Cited by
Theoretical importance of contingency in human-computer interaction: Effects of message interactivity on user engagement
SS Sundar, S Bellur, J Oh, H Jia, HS Kim
Communication Research 43 (5), 595-625, 2016
How does interactivity persuade? An experimental test of interactivity on cognitive absorption, elaboration, and attitudes
J Oh, SS Sundar
Journal of Communication 65 (2), 213-236, 2015
Clicking, assessing, immersing, and sharing: An empirical model of user engagement with interactive media
J Oh, S Bellur, SS Sundar
Communication Research 45 (5), 737-763, 2018
User experience of on-screen interaction techniques: An experimental investigation of clicking, sliding, zooming, hovering, dragging, and flipping
SS Sundar, S Bellur, J Oh, Q Xu, H Jia
Human–Computer Interaction 29 (2), 109-152, 2014
Interactivity as self-expression: A field experiment with customization and blogging
SS Sundar, J Oh, S Bellur, H Jia, HS Kim
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2012
Interacting with background music engages E-Customers more: The impact of interactive music on consumer perception and behavioral intention
AHC Hwang, J Oh
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 54, 101928, 2020
Interactive music for multisensory e‐commerce: The moderating role of online consumer involvement in experiential value, cognitive value, and purchase intention
AHC Hwang, J Oh, AC Scheinbaum
Psychology & Marketing 37 (8), 1031-1056, 2020
How does technology persuade?: theoretical mechanisms for persuasive technologies
SS Sundar
The Sage handbook of persuasion: Developments in theory and practice, 388-404, 2012
How 360-degree video influences content perceptions and environmental behavior: The moderating effect of environmental self-efficacy
J Oh, S Sudarshan, E Jin, S Nah, N Yu
Science Communication 42 (4), 423-453, 2020
User engagement with interactive media: A communication perspective
J Oh, SS Sundar
Why engagement matters: Cross-disciplinary perspectives of user engagement …, 2016
“We think you may like this”: An investigation of electronic commerce personalization for privacy‐conscious consumers
YW Song, HS Lim, J Oh
Psychology & Marketing 38 (10), 1723-1740, 2021
Beyond pointing and clicking: how do newer interaction modalities affect user engagement?
SS Sundar, Q Xu, S Bellur, J Oh, H Jia
CHI'11 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1477-1482, 2011
Communication privacy management for smart speaker use: Integrating the role of privacy self-efficacy and the multidimensional view
H Kang, J Oh
New Media & Society 25 (5), 1153-1175, 2023
Adopting voice assistants in online shopping: Examining the role of social presence, performance risk, and machine heuristic
S Lee, J Oh, WK Moon
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 39 (14), 2978-2992, 2023
Page flipping vs. clicking: The impact of naturally mapped interaction technique on user learning and attitudes
J Oh, HR Robinson, JY Lee
Computers in Human Behavior 29 (4), 1334-1341, 2013
A conceptual model of user engagement with media
J Oh, S Bellur, SS Sundar
The 60th annual conference of the International Communication Association …, 2010
Modality is the message: Interactivity effects on perception and engagement
SS Sundar, Q Xu, S Bellur, J Oh, H Jia
CHI'10 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 4105-4110, 2010
Predictors of playing augmented reality mobile games while walking based on the theory of planned behavior: web-based survey
HE Koh, J Oh, M Mackert
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 5 (12), e8470, 2017
How interactive storytelling persuades: The mediating role of website contingency and narrative transportation
J Oh, HS Lim, AHC Hwang
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 64 (5), 714-735, 2020
User engagement with smart wearables: Four defining factors and a process model
J Oh, H Kang
Mobile Media & Communication 9 (2), 314-335, 2021
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Articles 1–20