Cheryl Ellerbrock
Cheryl Ellerbrock
Professor of Middle Grades & General Secondary Education, University of South Florida
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Cited by
Teacher and peer support for young adolescents’ motivation, engagement, and school belonging
SM Kiefer, KM Alley, CR Ellerbrock
Rmle Online 38 (8), 1-18, 2015
Creating a ninth-grade community of care
CR Ellerbrock, SM Kiefer
The Journal of Educational Research 103 (6), 393-406, 2010
The interplay between adolescent needs and secondary school structures: Fostering developmentally responsive middle and high school environments across the transition
CR Ellerbrock, SM Kiefer
The High School Journal, 170-194, 2013
The role of responsive teacher practices in supporting academic motivation at the middle level
SM Kiefer, C Ellerbrock, K Alley
RMLE Online 38 (1), 1-16, 2014
School-based interpersonal relationships: Setting the foundation for young adolescents' belonging in middle school
C Ellerbrock, SM Kiefer, KM Alley
Middle Grades Research Journal 9 (2), 1, 2014
Supporting Young Adolescents’ Middle-to-High-School Transition by Creating a Ninth Grade Community of Care: Implications for Middle Grades Educators: Authors Discuss the …
CR Ellerbrock, SM Kiefer
Middle School Journal 45 (3), 3-10, 2014
Preparing culturally responsive teachers: Effective practices in teacher education
CR Ellerbrock, BC Cruz, A Vásquez, EV Howes
Action in Teacher Education 38 (3), 226-239, 2016
Fostering a developmentally responsive middle to high school transition
CR Ellerbrock, J Denmon, R Owens, K Lindstrom
Middle Grades Research Journal 10 (1), 83-101, 2015
An examination of middle school organizational structures in the United States and Australia
CR Ellerbrock, K Main, KN Falbe, D Pomykal Franz
Education Sciences 8 (4), 168, 2018
Relationships: The fundamental R in education
CR Ellerbrock, B Abbas, M DiCicco, JM Denmon, L Sabella, J Hart
Phi Delta Kappan 96 (8), 48-51, 2015
Creating a family-like ninth-grade environment through interdisciplinary teaming
CR Ellerbrock
Urban Education 47 (1), 32-64, 2012
Talking diversity with teachers and teacher educators: Exercises and critical conversations across the curriculum
BC Cruz, CR Ellerbrock, A Vásquez, EV Howes
Teachers College Press, 2014
Extending a community of care beyond the ninth grade: A follow-up study
CR Ellerbrock, SM Kiefer
The Journal of Educational Research 106 (4), 319-331, 2013
Fostering an Adolescent-Centered Community Within an Interdisciplinary Team
SM Kiefer, CR Ellerbrock
Middle Grades Research Journal 7 (3), 1-17, 2012
Developing visual literacy: Historical and manipulated photography in the social studies classroom
BC Cruz, CR Ellerbrock
The Social Studies 106 (6), 274-280, 2015
A vision of diversity in teacher education
CR Ellerbrock, BC Cruz
Talking diversity with teachers and teacher educators: Exercises and …, 2014
Understanding middle grades students’ perceptions of their peer worlds: Implications for Teaming
SM Kiefer, CR Ellerbrock
Middle School Journal 42 (2), 48-54, 2010
“I Have Never Witnessed Students so Engaged”: The Art of Democracy in Schools
BC Cruz, CR Ellerbrock, NM Smith
Art Education 68 (6), 9-15, 2015
Setting the stage for responsive middle level mathematics teaching: Establishing an adolescent-centered community of care
CR Ellerbrock, E Vomvoridi-Ivanovic
Middle School Journal 53 (2), 12-21, 2022
Developmentally Responsive Teacher Practices across the Middle-to-High-School Transition.
CR Ellerbrock, B Abbas, M DiCicco
Journal of Research in Education 24 (1), 17-37, 2014
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Articles 1–20