shanmin Pang
shanmin Pang
School of Software Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University
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Cited by
Feature concatenation multi-view subspace clustering
Q Zheng, J Zhu, Z Li, S Pang, J Wang, Y Li
Neurocomputing 379, 89-102, 2020
Efficient registration of multi-view point sets by K-means clustering
J Zhu, Z Jiang, GD Evangelidis, C Zhang, S Pang, Z Li
Information Sciences 488, 205-218, 2019
Deep Feature Aggregation and Image Re-ranking with Heat Diffusion for Image Retrieval
S Pang, J Ma, J Xue, J Zhu, V Ordonez
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2018
Magdr: Mask-guided detection and reconstruction for defending deepfakes
Z Chen, L Xie, S Pang, Y He, B Zhang
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
Constrained bilinear factorization multi-view subspace clustering
Q Zheng, J Zhu, Z Tian, Z Li, S Pang, X Jia
Knowledge-Based Systems 194, 105514, 2020
Building discriminative CNN image representations for object retrieval using the replicator equation
S Pang, J Zhu, J Wang, V Ordonez, J Xue
Pattern Recognition 83, 150-160, 2018
Deep long short-term memory neural network for accelerated elastoplastic analysis of heterogeneous materials: An integrated data-driven surrogate approach
Q Chen, R Jia, S Pang
Composite Structures 264, 113688, 2021
Appending adversarial frames for universal video attack
Z Chen, L Xie, S Pang, Y He, Q Tian
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF winter conference on applications of computer …, 2021
Democratic diffusion aggregation for image retrieval
Z Gao, J Xue, W Zhou, S Pang, Q Tian
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 18 (8), 1661-1674, 2016
Label enhancement with sample correlations via low-rank representation
H Tang, J Zhu, Q Zheng, J Wang, S Pang, Z Li
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34 (04), 5932-5939, 2020
Deep subspace mutual learning for cancer subtypes prediction
B Yang, TT Xin, SM Pang, M Wang, YJ Wang
Bioinformatics 37 (21), 3715-3722, 2021
Registration of multi-view point sets under the perspective of expectation-maximization
J Zhu, R Guo, Z Li, J Zhang, S Pang
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29, 9176-9189, 2020
Exploiting local linear geometric structure for identifying correct matches
S Pang, J Xue, Q Tian, N Zheng
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 128, 51-64, 2014
Tensor-based multi-view clustering with consistency exploration and diversity regularization
W Hao, S Pang, B Yang, J Xue
Knowledge-Based Systems 252, 109342, 2022
Multi-view spectral clustering via common structure maximization of local and global representations
W Hao, S Pang, Z Chen
Neural Networks 143, 595-606, 2021
Co-weighting semantic convolutional features for object retrieval
J Zhu, J Wang, S Pang, W Guan, Z Li, Y Li, X Qian
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 62, 368-380, 2019
Tensor-based incomplete multi-view clustering with low-rank data reconstruction and consistency guidance
W Hao, S Pang, X Bai, J Xue
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 33 (12), 7156 …, 2023
Improving object retrieval quality by integration of similarity propagation and query expansion
S Pang, J Ma, J Zhu, J Xue, Q Tian
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 21 (3), 760-770, 2018
Physics-informed deep neural network enabled discovery of size-dependent deformation mechanisms in nanostructures
J Jiang, J Zhao, S Pang, F Meraghni, A Siadat, Q Chen
International Journal of Solids and Structures 236, 111320, 2022
Integrating multi-omic data with deep subspace fusion clustering for cancer subtype prediction
B Yang, Y Zhang, S Pang, X Shang, X Zhao, M Han
IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics 18 (1 …, 2019
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Articles 1–20