Pao-Hsiung Chiu 邱柏雄
Pao-Hsiung Chiu 邱柏雄
在 ihpc.a-star.edu.sg 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證 - 首頁
A conservative phase field method for solving incompressible two-phase flows
PH Chiu, YT Lin
Journal of Computational Physics 230 (1), 185-204, 2011
CAN-PINN: A fast physics-informed neural network based on coupled-automatic–numerical differentiation method
PH Chiu, JC Wong, C Ooi, MH Dao, YS Ong
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 395, 114909, 2022
A differentially interpolated direct forcing immersed boundary method for predicting incompressible Navier–Stokes equations in time-varying complex geometries
PH Chiu, RK Lin, TWH Sheu
Journal of Computational Physics 229 (12), 4476-4500, 2010
Development of a dispersively accurate conservative level set scheme for capturing interface in two-phase flows
TWH Sheu, CH Yu, PH Chiu
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (3), 661-686, 2009
On the development of a dispersion-relation-preserving dual-compact upwind scheme for convection–diffusion equation
PH Chiu, TWH Sheu
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (10), 3640-3655, 2009
A coupled phase field framework for solving incompressible two-phase flows
PH Chiu
Journal of Computational Physics 392, 115-140, 2019
Influence of leading-edge protuberances of fx63 airfoil for horizontal-axis wind turbine on power performance
YT Lin, PH Chiu
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 38, 100675, 2020
An experimental and numerical investigation on the power performance of 150 kW horizontal axis wind turbine
YT Lin, PH Chiu, CC Huang
Renewable Energy 113, 85-93, 2017
A dispersion-relation-preserving algorithm for a nonlinear shallow-water wave equation
PH Chiu, L Lee, TWH Sheu
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (21), 8034-8052, 2009
Development of level set method with good area preservation to predict interface in two‐phase flows
TWH Sheu, CH Yu, PH Chiu
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 67 (1), 109-134, 2011
An effective explicit pressure gradient scheme implemented in the two-level non-staggered grids for incompressible Navier–Stokes equations
PH Chiu, TWH Sheu, RK Lin
Journal of Computational Physics 227 (8), 4018-4037, 2008
A divergence-free-condition compensated method for incompressible Navier–Stokes equations
TWH Sheu, PH Chiu
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 196 (45-48), 4479-4494, 2007
Development of a Dispersion Relation-Preserving Upwinding Scheme for Incompressible Navier–Stokes Equations on NonStaggered Grids
PH Chiu, TWH Sheu, RK Lin
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals 48 (6), 543-569, 2005
An improved divergence-free-condition compensated method for solving incompressible flows on collocated grids
PH Chiu
Computers & Fluids 162, 39-54, 2018
Improved Surrogate Modeling of Fluid Dynamics with Physics-Informed Neural Networks
JC Wong, C Ooi, PH Chiu, MH Dao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.01838, 2021
On the development of a high-order compact scheme for exhibiting the switching and dissipative solution natures in the Camassa–Holm equation
TWH Sheu, PH Chiu, CH Yu
Journal of Computational Physics 230 (13), 5399-5416, 2011
CFD Methodology Development for Singapore Green Mark Building Application
PH Chiu, VSG Raghavan, HJ Poh, E Tan, O Gabriela, NH Wong, ...
Procedia Engineering 180, 1596-1602, 2017
Porous media representation of louvers in building simulations for natural ventilation
C Ooi, PH Chiu, V Raghavan, S Wan, HJ Poh
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 12 (4), 494-503, 2019
Development of an Upwinding Scheme through the Minimization of Modified Wavenumber Error for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations
TWH Sheu, NSC Kao, PH Chiu, CS Lin
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals 60 (3), 179-202, 2011
GPU implementation for solving incompressible two-phase flows
SH Kuo, PH Chiu, RK Lin, YT Lin
World Acad Sci Eng Technol, 878-886, 2011
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