Natasa Reljin
Cited by
Cited by
Screen-printed PEDOT: PSS electrodes on commercial finished textiles for electrocardiography
SK Sinha, Y Noh, N Reljin, GM Treich, S Hajeb-Mohammadalipour, Y Guo, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (43), 37524-37528, 2017
Monitoring of heart and breathing rates using dual cameras on a smartphone
Y Nam, Y Kong, B Reyes, N Reljin, KH Chon
PloS one 11 (3), e0151013, 2016
Tidal volume and instantaneous respiration rate estimation using a volumetric surrogate signal acquired via a smartphone camera
BA Reyes, N Reljin, Y Kong, Y Nam, KH Chon
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 21 (3), 764-777, 2016
Time-varying analysis of electrodermal activity during exercise
HF Posada-Quintero, N Reljin, C Mills, I Mills, JP Florian, JL VanHeest, ...
PloS one 13 (6), e0198328, 2018
Wearable armband device for daily life electrocardiogram monitoring
J Lázaro, N Reljin, MB Hossain, Y Noh, P Laguna, KH Chon
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 67 (12), 3464-3473, 2020
Tracheal sounds acquisition using smartphones
BA Reyes, N Reljin, KH Chon
Sensors 14 (8), 13830-13850, 2014
Brain activity correlates with cognitive performance deterioration during sleep deprivation
HF Posada-Quintero, N Reljin, JB Bolkhovsky, AD Orjuela-Cańón, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 13, 1001, 2019
Using support vector machines on photoplethysmographic signals to discriminate between hypovolemia and euvolemia
N Reljin, G Zimmer, Y Malyuta, K Shelley, Y Mendelson, DJ Blehar, ...
PLoS One 13 (3), e0195087, 2018
A robust ECG denoising technique using variable frequency complex demodulation
MB Hossain, SK Bashar, J Lazaro, N Reljin, Y Noh, KH Chon
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 200, 105856, 2021
Automatic classification of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) data of protein biomarker solutions
D Pokrajac, A Lazarevic, V Kecman, A Marcano, Y Markushin, T Vance, ...
Applied Spectroscopy 68 (9), 1067-1075, 2014
Sleep deprivation in young and healthy subjects is more sensitively identified by higher frequencies of electrodermal activity than by skin conductance level evaluated in the …
HF Posada-Quintero, JB Bolkhovsky, N Reljin, KH Chon
Frontiers in Physiology 8, 409, 2017
Incremental connectivity-based outlier factor algorithm
D Pokrajac, N Reljin, N Pejcic, A Lazarevic
Visions of Computer Science-BCS International Academic Conference, 2008
Towards the development of a mobile phonopneumogram: automatic breath-phase classification using smartphones
BA Reyes, N Reljin, Y Kong, Y Nam, S Ha, KH Chon
Annals of biomedical engineering 44, 2746-2759, 2016
Tidal volume estimation using the blanket fractal dimension of the tracheal sounds acquired by smartphone
N Reljin, BA Reyes, KH Chon
Sensors 15 (5), 9773-9790, 2015
Automatic detection of dehydration using support vector machines
N Reljin, Y Malyuta, G Zimmer, Y Mendelson, DJ Blehar, CE Darling, ...
2018 14th Symposium on Neural Networks and Applications (NEUREL), 1-6, 2018
Electrocardiogram derived respiratory rate using a wearable armband
J Lázaro, N Reljin, R Bailón, E Gil, Y Noh, P Laguna, KH Chon
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 68 (3), 1056-1065, 2020
Mild dehydration identification using machine learning to assess autonomic responses to cognitive stress
HF Posada-Quintero, N Reljin, A Moutran, D Georgopalis, ECH Lee, ...
Nutrients 12 (1), 42, 2019
Detection of blood loss in trauma patients using time-frequency analysis of photoplethysmographic signal
N Reljin, G Zimmer, Y Malyuta, Y Mendelson, CE Darling, KH Chon
2016 IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics …, 2016
Classification of LIBS protein spectra using support vector machines and adaptive local hyperplanes
T Vance, N Reljin, A Lazarevic, D Pokrajac, V Kecman, N Melikechi, ...
The 2010 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-7, 2010
Analysis of consistency of transthoracic bioimpedance measurements acquired with dry carbon black PDMS electrodes, adhesive electrodes, and wet textile electrodes
HF Posada-Quintero, N Reljin, C Eaton-Robb, Y Noh, J Riistama, ...
Sensors 18 (6), 1719, 2018
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Articles 1–20