Olive Sweetman
Olive Sweetman
在 nuim.ie 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
Gender, single-sex schooling and maths achievement
A Doris, D O’Neill, O Sweetman
Economics of Education Review 35, 104-119, 2013
Intergenerational mobility in Britain: evidence from unemployment patterns
D O'Neill, O Sweetman
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and statistics 60 (4), 431-447, 1998
Equality of opportunity and kernel density estimation: an application to intergenerational mobility
D O'Neill, O Sweetman
Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting, National University of …, 1999
The consequences of measurement error when estimating the impact of obesity on income
D O’Neill, O Sweetman
IZA Journal of Labor Economics 2, 1-20, 2013
Wage flexibility and the great recession: the response of the Irish labour market
A Doris, D O’Neill, O Sweetman
IZA Journal of European Labor Studies 4, 1-24, 2015
Gender differences in the changing labor market: the role of legislation and inequality in changing the wage gap for qualified workers in the United Kingdom
P Dolton, D O'Neill, O Sweetman
Journal of Human Resources, 549-565, 1996
How Unequal?: Men and Women in the Irish Labour Market
A Barrett, T Callan
Female labour supply and income inequality in Ireland
T Callan, B Nolan, D O'Neill, O Sweetman
Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting, National University of …, 1998
The effects of measurement error and omitted variables when using transition matrices to measure intergenerational mobility
D O’Neill, O Sweetman, D Van de Gaer
The Journal of Economic Inequality 5, 159-178, 2007
Inequality in Ireland 1987-1994: A Comparison Using Measures of Income and Consumption.
D O'Neill, O Sweetman
Journal of Income Distribution 10 (3-4), 23-39, 2001
Identification of the covariance structure of earnings using the GMM estimator
A Doris, D O’Neill, O Sweetman
The Journal of Economic Inequality 11, 343-372, 2013
An evaluation of the HEAR and DARE supplementary admission routes to higher education
D Byrne, A Doris, O Sweetman, R Casey, D Raffe
DARE/HEAR Strategic Development Group, 2014
GMM estimation of the covariance structure of longitudinal data on earnings
A Doris, D O'Neill, O Sweetman
The Stata Journal 11 (3), 439-459, 2011
Does Reducing Unemployment Benefits during a Recession Reduce Youth Unemployment?: Evidence from a 50 Percent Cut in Unemployment Assistance
A Doris, D O’Neill, O Sweetman
Journal of Human Resources 55 (3), 902-925, 2020
The impact of cognitive skills on the distribution of the black-white wage gap
D O'Neill, O Sweetman
Labour Economics 13 (3), 343-356, 2006
Good schools or good students? The importance of selectivity for school rankings
A Doris, D O’Neill, O Sweetman
Oxford Review of Education 48 (6), 804-826, 2022
Aggregate Earnings Inequality in Europe: Permanent Differences or Transitory Fluctuations?
A Doris, D O'Neill, O Sweetman
NUI Maynooth, 2010
Van de gaer D (2007) The effects of measurement error and omitted variables when using transition matrices to measure intergenerational mobility
D O’Neill, O Sweetman
Journal of Economic Inequality 5 (2), 159-178, 0
Does Reducing Unemployment Benefits During a Recession Reduce Youth Unemployment? Evidence from a 50% Cut in Unemployment Assistance
A Doris, D O'Neill, O Sweetman
IZA Discussion Paper, 2017
The consequences of measurement error when estimating the impact of BMI on labour market outcomes
D O'Neill, OB Sweetman
IZA Discussion Papers, 2012
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