Dr. Manik Banik
Dr. Manik Banik
Associate Professor, Department of Physics of Complex Systems, S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic
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Indefinite causal order enables perfect quantum communication with zero capacity channels
G Chiribella, M Banik, SS Bhattacharya, T Guha, M Alimuddin, A Roy, ...
New Journal of Physics 23 (3), 033039, 2021
Strong quantum nonlocality without entanglement
S Halder, M Banik, S Agrawal, S Bandyopadhyay
Physical review letters 122 (4), 040403, 2019
Degree of complementarity determines the nonlocality in quantum mechanics
M Banik, MR Gazi, S Ghosh, G Kar
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (5), 052125, 2013
Parity oblivious d-level random access codes and class of noncontextuality inequalities
A Ambainis, M Banik, A Chaturvedi, D Kravchenko, A Rai
Quantum Information Processing 18, 1-20, 2019
Genuinely nonlocal product bases: Classification and entanglement-assisted discrimination
S Rout, AG Maity, A Mukherjee, S Halder, M Banik
Physical Review A 100 (3), 032321, 2019
Measurement-device–independent randomness from local entangled states
A Chaturvedi, M Banik
Europhysics Letters 112 (3), 30003, 2015
Genuinely entangled subspace with all-encompassing distillable entanglement across every bipartition
S Agrawal, S Halder, M Banik
Physical Review A 99 (3), 032335, 2019
Nonlocal correlations: Fair and unfair strategies in Bayesian games
A Roy, A Mukherjee, T Guha, S Ghosh, SS Bhattacharya, M Banik
Physical Review A 94 (3), 032120, 2016
Limited preparation contextuality in quantum theory and its relation to the Cirel'son bound
M Banik, SS Bhattacharya, A Mukherjee, A Roy, A Ambainis, A Rai
Physical Review A 92 (3), 030103, 2015
Nonlocality without entanglement: Quantum theory and beyond
SS Bhattacharya, S Saha, T Guha, M Banik
Physical Review Research 2 (1), 012068, 2020
Family of bound entangled states on the boundary of the Peres set
S Halder, M Banik, S Ghosh
Physical Review A 99 (6), 062329, 2019
Presence of quantum correlations results in a nonvanishing ergotropic gap
A Mukherjee, A Roy, SS Bhattacharya, M Banik
Physical Review E 93 (5), 052140, 2016
Measurement incompatibility and Schrödinger-Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering in a class of probabilistic theories
M Banik
Journal of Mathematical Physics 56 (5), 2015
Hardy's nonlocality argument as a witness for postquantum correlations
S Das, M Banik, A Rai, MDR Gazi, S Kunkri
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (1), 012112, 2013
Optimal free will on one side in reproducing the singlet correlation
M Banik, MDR Gazi, S Das, A Rai, S Kunkri
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45 (20), 205301, 2012
Thermodynamic signatures of genuinely multipartite entanglement
S Puliyil, M Banik, M Alimuddin
Physical Review Letters 129 (7), 070601, 2022
Hardy's test as a device-independent dimension witness
A Mukherjee, A Roy, SS Bhattacharya, S Das, MR Gazi, M Banik
Physical Review A 92 (2), 022302, 2015
Multiparty orthogonal product states with minimal genuine nonlocality
S Rout, AG Maity, A Mukherjee, S Halder, M Banik
Physical Review A 104 (5), 052433, 2021
Two-qubit pure entanglement as optimal social welfare resource in bayesian game
M Banik, SS Bhattacharya, N Ganguly, T Guha, A Mukherjee, A Rai, ...
Quantum 3, 185, 2019
Random-receiver quantum communication
SS Bhattacharya, AG Maity, T Guha, G Chiribella, M Banik
PRX Quantum 2 (2), 020350, 2021
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