Jörg Wrachtrup
Jörg Wrachtrup
Professor of Physics, Stuttgart University and Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research
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The nitrogen-vacancy colour centre in diamond
MW Doherty, NB Manson, P Delaney, F Jelezko, J Wrachtrup, ...
Physics Reports 528 (1), 1-45, 2013
Ultralong spin coherence time in isotopically engineered diamond
G Balasubramanian, P Neumann, D Twitchen, M Markham, R Kolesov, ...
Nature materials 8 (5), 383-387, 2009
Nanoscale imaging magnetometry with diamond spins under ambient conditions
G Balasubramanian, IY Chan, R Kolesov, M Al-Hmoud, J Tisler, C Shin, ...
Nature 455 (7213), 648-651, 2008
Scanning confocal optical microscopy and magnetic resonance on single defect centers
A Gruber, A Drabenstedt, C Tietz, L Fleury, J Wrachtrup, C Borczyskowski
Science 276 (5321), 2012-2014, 1997
Coherent dynamics of coupled electron and nuclear spin qubits in diamond
L Childress, MV Gurudev Dutt, JM Taylor, AS Zibrov, F Jelezko, ...
Science 314 (5797), 281-285, 2006
Electric-field sensing using single diamond spins
F Dolde, H Fedder, MW Doherty, T Nöbauer, F Rempp, ...
Nature Physics 7 (6), 459-463, 2011
Observation of coherent oscillations in a single electron spin
F Jelezko, T Gaebel, I Popa, A Gruber, J Wrachtrup
Physical review letters 92 (7), 076401, 2004
Single defect centres in diamond: A review
F Jelezko, J Wrachtrup
physica status solidi (a) 203 (13), 3207-3225, 2006
Observation of Coherent Oscillation of a Single Nuclear Spin and Realization<? format?> of a Two-Qubit Conditional Quantum Gate
F Jelezko, T Gaebel, I Popa, M Domhan, A Gruber, J Wrachtrup
Physical Review Letters 93 (13), 130501, 2004
Quantum technologies with optically interfaced solid-state spins
DD Awschalom, R Hanson, J Wrachtrup, BB Zhou
Nature Photonics 12 (9), 516-527, 2018
Multipartite entanglement among single spins in diamond
P Neumann, N Mizuochi, F Rempp, P Hemmer, H Watanabe, S Yamasaki, ...
science 320 (5881), 1326-1329, 2008
High-precision nanoscale temperature sensing using single defects in diamond
P Neumann, I Jakobi, F Dolde, C Burk, R Reuter, G Waldherr, J Honert, ...
Nano letters 13 (6), 2738-2742, 2013
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy on a (5-nanometer) 3 sample volume
T Staudacher, F Shi, S Pezzagna, J Meijer, J Du, CA Meriles, F Reinhard, ...
Science 339 (6119), 561-563, 2013
Single-shot readout of a single nuclear spin
P Neumann, J Beck, M Steiner, F Rempp, H Fedder, PR Hemmer, ...
science 329 (5991), 542-544, 2010
Strong coupling of a spin ensemble to a superconducting resonator
Y Kubo, FR Ong, P Bertet, D Vion, V Jacques, D Zheng, A Dréau, JF Roch, ...
Physical review letters 105 (14), 140502, 2010
Room-temperature coherent coupling of single spins in diamond
T Gaebel, M Domhan, I Popa, C Wittmann, P Neumann, F Jelezko, ...
Nature Physics 2 (6), 408-413, 2006
Material platforms for spin-based photonic quantum technologies
M Atatüre, D Englund, N Vamivakas, SY Lee, J Wrachtrup
Nature Reviews Materials 3 (5), 38-51, 2018
Processing quantum information in diamond
J Wrachtrup, F Jelezko
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 18 (21), S807, 2006
Quantum measurement and orientation tracking of fluorescent nanodiamonds inside living cells
LP McGuinness, Y Yan, A Stacey, DA Simpson, LT Hall, D Maclaurin, ...
Nature nanotechnology 6 (6), 358-363, 2011
Quantum error correction in a solid-state hybrid spin register
G Waldherr, Y Wang, S Zaiser, M Jamali, T Schulte-Herbrüggen, H Abe, ...
Nature 506 (7487), 204-207, 2014
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