Susan Faja
Susan Faja
Boston Children's Hospital/Harvard Medical School
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Early behavioral intervention is associated with normalized brain activity in young children with autism
G Dawson, EJH Jones, K Merkle, K Venema, R Lowy, S Faja, D Kamara, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 51 (11 …, 2012
Executive function
SM Carlson, PD Zelazo, S Faja
Autism spectrum disorder
S Faja, G Dawson
Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Third Edition, 745-782, 2017
Neurocognitive and electrophysiological evidence of altered face processing in parents of children with autism: Implications for a model of abnormal development of social brain …
G Dawson, SJ Webb, E Wijsman, G Schellenberg, A Estes, J Munson, ...
Development and psychopathology 17 (3), 679-697, 2005
Amygdalar volume and behavioral development in autism
J Munson, G Dawson, R Abbott, S Faja, SJ Webb, SD Friedman, D Shaw, ...
Archives of general psychiatry 63 (6), 686-693, 2006
The nucleus accumbens is involved in both the pursuit of social reward and the avoidance of social punishment
G Kohls, MT Perino, JM Taylor, EN Madva, SJ Cayless, V Troiani, E Price, ...
Neuropsychologia 51 (11), 2062-2069, 2013
Perceiving facial and vocal expressions of emotion in individuals with Williams syndrome
D Plesa-Skwerer, S Faja, C Schofield, A Verbalis, H Tager-Flusberg
American Journal on Mental Retardation 111 (1), 15-26, 2006
People with Williams syndrome process faces holistically
H Tager-Flusberg, D Plesa-Skwerer, S Faja, RM Joseph
Cognition 89 (1), 11-24, 2003
Becoming a face expert: A computerized face-training program for high-functioning individuals with autism spectrum disorders
S Faja, E Aylward, R Bernier, G Dawson
Developmental neuropsychology 33 (1), 1-24, 2007
The autism biomarkers consortium for clinical trials (ABC-CT): scientific context, study design, and progress toward biomarker qualification
JC McPartland, RA Bernier, SS Jeste, G Dawson, CA Nelson, ...
Frontiers in integrative neuroscience 14, 16, 2020
Face perception and learning in autism spectrum disorders
SJ Webb, E Neuhaus, S Faja
Quarterly journal of experimental psychology 70 (5), 970-986, 2017
The effects of face expertise training on the behavioral performance and brain activity of adults with high functioning autism spectrum disorders
S Faja, SJ Webb, E Jones, K Merkle, D Kamara, J Bavaro, E Aylward, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 42, 278-293, 2012
Variation in restricted and repetitive behaviors and interests relates to inhibitory control and shifting in children with autism spectrum disorder
S Faja, L Nelson Darling
Autism 23 (5), 1262-1272, 2019
Social-perceptual abilities in adolescents and adults with Williams syndrome
D Plesa Skwerer, A Verbalis, C Schofield, S Faja, H Tager-Flusberg
Cognitive neuropsychology 23 (2), 338-349, 2006
Reward‐based decision making and electrodermal responding by young children with autism spectrum disorders during a gambling task
S Faja, M Murias, TP Beauchaine, G Dawson
Autism Research 6 (6), 494-505, 2013
Neurocognitive predictors of social and communicative developmental trajectories in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders
J Munson, S Faja, A Meltzoff, R Abbott, G Dawson
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 14 (6), 956-966, 2008
Measuring individual differences in cognitive, affective, and spontaneous theory of mind among school-aged children with autism spectrum disorder
M Altschuler, G Sideridis, S Kala, M Warshawsky, R Gilbert, D Carroll, ...
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 48, 3945-3957, 2018
Executive function predicts the development of play skills for verbal preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders
S Faja, G Dawson, K Sullivan, AN Meltzoff, A Estes, R Bernier
Autism Research 9 (12), 1274-1284, 2016
Incorporating early development into the measurement of executive function: The need for a continuum of measures across development.
SM Carlson, S Faja, DM Beck
American Psychological Association, 2016
Variables affecting outcome of early intervention in autism spectrum disorder
DA Zachor, E Ben-Itzchak
Journal of Pediatric Neurology 15 (03), 129-133, 2017
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