Chaitra N / Chaitra Nagaraj
Chaitra N / Chaitra Nagaraj
Associate Professor, PES University
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Cited by
Diagnostic prediction of autism spectrum disorder using complex network measures in a machine learning framework
N Chaitra, PA Vijaya, G Deshpande
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 62, 102099, 2020
Automatic detection of acute lymphoblasitc leukemia using image processing
V Shankar, MM Deshpande, N Chaitra, S Aditi
2016 IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computer Applications …, 2016
Detection of autistic individuals using facial images and deep learning
Y Khosla, P Ramachandra, N Chaitra
2021 IEEE International Conference on Computation System and Information …, 2021
Automated bird species identification using audio signal processing and neural networks
B Chandu, A Munikoti, KS Murthy, G Murthy, C Nagaraj
2020 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Signal …, 2020
Template matching technique for panoramic image stitching
AS Bhat, AV Shivaprakash, NS Prasad, C Nagaraj
2013 7th Asia Modelling Symposium, 111-115, 2013
Comparison of Adaptive filters in extraction of Fetal ECG
RR Vaidya, N Chaitra
2020 International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC …, 2020
Nonlinear dynamical analysis of speech signals
N Chaitra, D Murali Mohan, D Narayana Dutt
Proceedings of international conference on VLSI, communication, advanced …, 2013
Comparing univalent and bivalent brain functional connectivity measures using machine learning
N Chaitra, PA Vijaya
2017 Fourth International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and …, 2017
Computationally efficient speaker identification system using AMDF and LPC
MH Teja, N Chaitra
2011 3rd International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology 3, 288-291, 2011
Pattern Classification of Autistic Individuals using Brain Imaging Data: A Review
DPAV Chaitra N
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software …, 2016
Speech Modeling with Linear Auto Regressive and Nonlinear Hammerstein Models
N Chaitra, T Vyasaraj
2024 International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in …, 2024
Nonlinear Prediction of Speech Signal using Short Term Forecasting Algorithm
N Chaitra
2023 International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in …, 2023
Exponential Auto Regressive Model for Nonlinear Modeling of Noisy and Clean Speech
N Chaitra
2021 International Conference on Communication, Control and Information …, 2021
Review on Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease using Neuroimaging Techniques
N Vishnu, RR Vaidya, N Chaitra, SP Srinidhi, B Shreyas
Perspectives in Communication, Embedded-systems and Signal-processing-PiCES …, 2020
Identification of Alzheimer’s Disease using Functional Connectivity Measures
PAV Chaitra N, Chethana L, Menaka Shankar
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering …, 2019
Machine Learning Based Comparison of Pearson’s and Partial Correlation Measures to Quantify Functional Connectivity in the Human Brain
C N, DPA Vijaya
International Journal of Neuroscience and Behavioural Science 6 (3), 23-30, 2018
MSB-First Bit Serial Motion Estimation Architecture for H.264/AVC
VSC 6. Chaitanya Bapani, Chaitra N
VCASAN 2013, 2013
Voice Conversion Based On Hidden Markov Model
D Arpitha, CN Chaitra, M Manasa, N Chaitra
International Journal of Advanced Computer Research 2 (4), 317, 2012
Design and Implementation of Refresh and Timing Controller Unit for LPDDR2 Memory Controller
MJ Sandya
International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research 3 (6 …, 0
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Articles 1–19