Michelle Craske
Michelle Craske
professor of psychology, university of california, los angeles
在 psych.ucla.edu 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證 - 首頁
Maximizing exposure therapy: An inhibitory learning approach
MG Craske, M Treanor, CC Conway, T Zbozinek, B Vervliet
Behaviour research and therapy 58, 10-23, 2014
Optimizing inhibitory learning during exposure therapy
MG Craske, K Kircanski, M Zelikowsky, J Mystkowski, N Chowdhury, ...
Behaviour research and therapy 46 (1), 5-27, 2008
Computer therapy for the anxiety and depressive disorders is effective, acceptable and practical health care: a meta-analysis
G Andrews, P Cuijpers, MG Craske, P McEvoy, N Titov
PloS one 5 (10), e13196, 2010
Mechanisms of mindfulness: Emotion regulation following a focused breathing induction
JJ Arch, MG Craske
Behaviour research and therapy 44 (12), 1849-1858, 2006
Mastery of your anxiety and panic
DH Barlow, MG Craske, EA Meadows
Graywind Publications, 2000
Behavioral treatment of panic disorder
DH Barlow, MG Craske, JA Cerny, JS Klosko
Behavior therapy 20 (2), 261-282, 1989
Worry and rumination: Repetitive thought as a concomitant and predictor of negative mood
SC Segerstrom, JCI Tsao, LE Alden, MG Craske
Cognitive therapy and Research 24, 671-688, 2000
Computer therapy for the anxiety and depression disorders is effective, acceptable and practical health care: an updated meta-analysis
G Andrews, A Basu, P Cuijpers, MG Craske, P McEvoy, CL English, ...
Journal of anxiety disorders 55, 70-78, 2018
Anxiety disorders: psychological approaches to theory and treatment.
MG Craske
Westview Press, 1999
What is an anxiety disorder?
MG Craske, SL Rauch, R Ursano, J Prenoveau, DS Pine, RE Zinbarg
Focus 9 (3), 369-388, 2011
Anxiety disorders in older adults: a comprehensive review
KB Wolitzky‐Taylor, N Castriotta, EJ Lenze, MA Stanley, MG Craske
Depression and anxiety 27 (2), 190-211, 2010
Fear extinction and relapse: state of the art
B Vervliet, MG Craske, D Hermans
Annual review of clinical psychology 9 (1), 215-248, 2013
Panic disorder and agoraphobia
MG Craske, G Simos
CBT for anxiety disorders: A practitioner book, 3-24, 2013
Randomized clinical trial of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) versus acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for mixed anxiety disorders.
JJ Arch, GH Eifert, C Davies, JCP Vilardaga, RD Rose, MG Craske
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 80 (5), 750, 2012
Response rates for CBT for anxiety disorders: Need for standardized criteria
AG Loerinc, AE Meuret, MP Twohig, D Rosenfield, EJ Bluett, MG Craske
Clinical psychology review 42, 72-82, 2015
Origins of phobias and anxiety disorders: Why more women than men?
MG Craske
Elsevier, 2003
The Lancet Psychiatry Commission on psychological treatments research in tomorrow's science
EA Holmes, A Ghaderi, CJ Harmer, PG Ramchandani, P Cuijpers, ...
The Lancet Psychiatry 5 (3), 237-286, 2018
Association of persistent and severe postnatal depression with child outcomes
E Netsi, RM Pearson, L Murray, P Cooper, MG Craske, A Stein
JAMA psychiatry 75 (3), 247-253, 2018
Positive and negative emotion regulation in adolescence: links to anxiety and depression
KS Young, CF Sandman, MG Craske
Brain sciences 9 (4), 76, 2019
Delivery of evidence-based treatment for multiple anxiety disorders in primary care: a randomized controlled trial
P Roy-Byrne, MG Craske, G Sullivan, RD Rose, MJ Edlund, AJ Lang, ...
Jama 303 (19), 1921-1928, 2010
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