Anindya Banerjee
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Cited by
A core calculus of dependency
M Abadi, A Banerjee, N Heintze, JG Riecke
Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of …, 1999
Secure Information Flow and Pointer Confinement in a Java-like Language.
A Banerjee, DA Naumann
CSFW 2, 253, 2002
Stack-based access control and secure information flow
A Banerjee, DA Naumann
Journal of functional programming 15 (2), 131-177, 2005
Merlin: Specification inference for explicit information flow problems
B Livshits, AV Nori, SK Rajamani, A Banerjee
ACM Sigplan Notices 44 (6), 75-86, 2009
A logic for information flow in object-oriented programs
T Amtoft, S Bandhakavi, A Banerjee
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 41 (1), 91-102, 2006
Automata-based confidentiality monitoring
G Le Guernic, A Banerjee, T Jensen, DA Schmidt
Annual Asian Computing Science Conference, 75-89, 2006
Expressive declassification policies and modular static enforcement
A Banerjee, DA Naumann, S Rosenberg
2008 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (sp 2008), 339-353, 2008
Mechanized verification of fine-grained concurrent programs
I Sergey, A Nanevski, A Banerjee
Proceedings of the 36th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language …, 2015
Information flow analysis in logical form
T Amtoft, A Banerjee
International Static Analysis Symposium, 100-115, 2004
Regional logic for local reasoning about global invariants
A Banerjee, DA Naumann, S Rosenberg
European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 387-411, 2008
Representation independence, confinement and access control
A Banerjee, DA Naumann
Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of …, 2002
A new foundation for control dependence and slicing for modern program structures
VP Ranganath, T Amtoft, A Banerjee, J Hatcliff, MB Dwyer
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 29 (5), 27-es, 2007
Ownership confinement ensures representation independence for object-oriented programs
A Banerjee, DA Naumann
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 52 (6), 894-960, 2005
Verification of information flow and access control policies with dependent types
A Nanevski, A Banerjee, D Garg
2011 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 165-179, 2011
A modular, polyvariant and type-based closure analysis
A Banerjee
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 32 (8), 1-10, 1997
History-based access control and secure information flow
A Banerjee, DA Naumann
International Workshop on Construction and Analysis of Safe, Secure, and …, 2004
Beyond stack inspection: A unified access-control and information-flow security model
M Pistoia, A Banerjee, DA Naumann
2007 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP'07), 149-163, 2007
Specifying and verifying concurrent algorithms with histories and subjectivity
I Sergey, A Nanevski, A Banerjee
Programming Languages and Systems: 24th European Symposium on Programming …, 2015
Dependent type theory for verification of information flow and access control policies
A Nanevski, A Banerjee, D Garg
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 35 (2), 6, 2013
Effectively-propositional reasoning about reachability in linked data structures
S Itzhaky, A Banerjee, N Immerman, A Nanevski, M Sagiv
International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, 756-772, 2013
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Articles 1–20