Chenliang Wu
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Cited by
Paleohydrology and 3D Facies Architecture of Ancient Point Bars, Ferron Sandstone, Notom Delta, South-Central Utah, USA
C Wu, JP Bhattacharya, MS Ullah
Journal of Sedimentary Research 85 (4), 399-418, 2015
Formation of point bars through rising and falling flood stages: Evidence from bar morphology, sediment transport and bed shear stress
C Wu, MS Ullah, J Lu, JP Bhattacharya
Sedimentology 63 (6), 1458–1473, 2016
Facies and depositional model of alluvial fan dominated by episodic flood events in arid conditions: An example from the Quaternary Poplar Fan, north‐western China
C Gao, Y Ji, C Wu, J Jin, Y Ren, Z Yang, D Liu, Z Huan, X Duan, Y Zhou
Sedimentology 67 (4), 1750-1796, 2020
Thermodynamic analyses of dolomite dissolution and prediction of the zones of secondary porosity: a case study of the tight tuffaceous dolomite reservoir of the second member …
M Yuanlin, ZHU Hengdong, LI Xinning, WU Chenliang, HU Anwen, ...
Petroleum Exploration and Development 41 (6), 754-760, 2014
Impacts of backwater hydrodynamics on fluvial–deltaic stratigraphy
C Wu, JA Nittrouer
Basin Research 32 (3), 567– 584, 2020
Stratigraphic response to spatiotemporally varying tectonic forcing in rifted continental basin: Insight from a coupled tectonic‐stratigraphic numerical model
H Wu, Y Ji, C Wu, G Duclaux, H Wu, C Gao, L Li, L Chang
Basin Research 31 (2), 311-336, 2019
Controlling factors on physical property of tight volcanic rocks and reservoir quality prediction: A case study of the Tiaohu Formation in Malang-Tiaohu sag
YL Meng, Y Hu, XN Li, AW Hu, CL Wu, ZT Zhao, L Zhang, C Xu
Oil & Gas Geology 35, 244-252, 2014
Dune-scale cross-strata across the fluvial-deltaic backwater regime: Preservation potential of an autogenic stratigraphic signature
C Wu, JA Nittrouer, T Swanson, H Ma, E Barefoot, J Best, M Allison
Geology 48 (12), 1144-1148, 2020
Morphodynamic equilibrium of lowland river systems during autoretreat
C Wu, JA Nittrouer, T Muto, K Naito, G Parker
Geology 48 (11), 1062-1066, 2020
A three-dimensional stratigraphic model of the Mississippi River Delta, USA: Implications for river deltaic hydrogeology
A Li, FTC Tsai, BT Yuill, C Wu
Hydrogeology Journal 28 (7), 2341-2358, 2020
Lowland river sinuosity on Earth and Mars set by the pace of meandering and avulsion
C Wu, W Kim, R Herring, BT Cardenas, TY Dong, H Ma, A Moodie, ...
Nature Geoscience 16 (8), 747-753, 2023
Reconstructing backwater hydrodynamics from fluvial-deltaic deposits using stratigraphic inversion: An example from the Tullig Sandstone, Western Irish Namurian Basin, County …
C Wu, JA Nittrouer, EA Barefoot, KC Burmeister
Bulletin 135 (9-10), 2315-2330, 2023
Dune morphodynamics and forward models of set-scale architecture within the backwater zone of the Mississippi River, USA
C Wu, JA Nittrouer, T Swanson
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, EP31C-2365, 2018
Natural levees increase in prevalence in the backwater zone: Coastal Trinity River, Texas, USA
C Wu, M Kim, W Kim
Geology 51 (6), e564-e564, 2023
Lateral migration dynamics and bank erodibility of the lowermost Mississippi River
C Wu, W Kim, S Yang, D Keum, FTC Tsai, JA Nittrouer
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, EP52A-05, 2022
Pace of meandering and avulsion set river sinuosity near coast on Earth and Mars
C Wu, W Kim, A Moodie, B Cardenas, R Herring, T Dong, H Ma, F Tsai, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, EP31A-07, 2021
Heterogeneity, paleohydrology, and 3D facies architecture of ancient point bars, Ferron Sandstone, Notom Delta, South-central Utah
C Wu
Linking Surface Processes to the Stratigraphic Record: Past Is the Key to the Future II Oral
EA Barefoot, C Wu, S Lyster
AGU24, 2024
Unraveling Source-to-Sink Dynamics from Sedimentary Records I Poster
TN Jonell, C Wu, M Tebolt, LC Malatesta
AGU23, 2023
River Stage Variability Sets Levee Erodibility: Example from the Lowermost Mississippi River
C Wu, W Kim, S Yang, FTC Tsai, JA Nittrouer, KM Straub, TY Dong, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023, EP43A-01, 2023
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