Taskin Tuna
Taskin Tuna
Dpt. of Prosthetic Dentistry and Biomaterials. Center for Implantology. RWTH University of Aachen
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Prognosis of immediately loaded implants and their restorations: a systematic literature review
JR Strub, BA Jurdzik, T Tuna
Journal of oral rehabilitation 39 (9), 704-717, 2012
Influence of ultraviolet photofunctionalization on the surface characteristics of zirconia-based dental implant materials
T Tuna, M Wein, M Swain, J Fischer, W Att
Dental Materials 31 (2), e14-e24, 2015
Success rates of prosthetic restorations on endodontically treated teeth; a systematic review after 6 years
A Ploumaki, A Bilkhair, T Tuna, S Stampf, JR Strub
Journal of oral rehabilitation 40 (8), 618-630, 2013
The effect of UV treatment on the osteoconductive capacity of zirconia-based materials
M Brezavšček, A Fawzy, M Bächle, T Tuna, J Fischer, W Att
Materials 9 (12), 958, 2016
Effect of ultraviolet photofunctionalisation on the cell attractiveness of zirconia implant materials
T Tuna, M Wein, B Altmann, T Steinberg, J Fischer, W Att
Eur Cell Mater 29, 82-94, 2015
Patient‐reported outcome measures (PROMs) of implant‐supported reconstructions using digital workflows: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
S Bishti, T Tuna, A Rittich, S Wolfart
Clinical Oral Implants Research 32, 318-335, 2021
Prognosis of implants and fixed restorations after lateral sinus elevation: a literature review
T Tuna, M Yorgidis, JR Strub
Journal of oral rehabilitation 39 (3), 226-238, 2012
Removal of simulated biofilm at different implant crown designs with interproximal oral hygiene aids: An in vitro study
T Tuna, L Kuhlmann, S Bishti, E Sirazitdinova, T Deserno, S Wolfart
Clinical Oral Implants Research 30 (7), 627-636, 2019
Biofunctionalization of dental abutment surfaces by crosslinked ECM proteins strongly enhances adhesion and proliferation of gingival fibroblasts
AL Palkowitz, T Tuna, S Bishti, F Böke, N Steinke, G Müller‐Newen, ...
Advanced healthcare materials 10 (10), 2100132, 2021
Randomized clinical trial evaluating the effect of splinting crowns on short implants in the mandible 3 years after loading
O Al‐Sawaf, T Tuna, A Rittich, T Kern, S Wolfart
Clinical Oral Implants Research 31 (11), 1061-1071, 2020
Effect of different dental implant drilling template designs on heat generation during osteotomy–an in vitro study
L Waltenberger, S Wied, S Wolfart, T Tuna
Clinical Oral Implants Research 33 (1), 53-64, 2022
Clinical protocol for implant-assisted partial removable dental prostheses in Kennedy class I: a case report
I Karakas-Stupar, LK Zaugg, NU Zitzmann, T Joda, S Wolfart, T Tuna
Prosthesis 5 (4), 1002-1010, 2023
Modified glass ionomer cement with “remove on demand” properties: An in vitro study
S Bishti, T Tuna, G Agrawal, A Pich, S Wolfart
Dentistry journal 5 (1), 9, 2017
Retention forces of implant-supported single crowns and fixed dental prostheses after cementation: an in-vitro study
S Bishti, J Siouri, S Wolfart, T Tuna
Oral 2 (1), 29-40, 2022
Influence of additional reinforcement of fixed long-term temporary restorations on fracture load
K Debye, T Tuna, S Bishti, S Wolfart
journal of prosthodontic research 62 (4), 416-421, 2018
Effect of hydrogen peroxide on the surface and attractiveness of various zirconia implant materials on human osteoblasts: an in vitro study
T Tuna, M Wein, B Altmann, T Steinberg, J Fischer, W Att
Materials 16 (3), 961, 2023
From a CAD/CAM-milled, allogeneic bone block to an implant-supported fixed partial denture with angulated screw channel: a case report.
T Tuna, B Yilmaz, B Hermanns-Sachweh, S Raith, S Wolfart
Quintessence International 52 (1), 2021
„All-on-4 “oder Zahnerhalt: Wie direktiv dürfen Patientenaufklärungen sein?
T Tuna, D Groß, K Groß, S Wolfart
Zahnärztl Mitt 108, 40-47, 2018
Update of the S3-guideline “implant-prosthetic rehabilitation in the edentulous maxilla”–what is new?,”
S Kern, T Tuna, S Wolfart
Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift International 3, 176-181, 2021
Ethische Heraus-forderungen in der Implantologie
D Groß, K Groß, T Tuna, M Schmidt
Der Freie Zahnarzt 64, 64-73, 2020
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Articles 1–20