Daniel Giovannini
Daniel Giovannini
在 utoronto.ca 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
Higher-dimensional orbital-angular-momentum-based quantum key distribution with mutually unbiased bases
M Mafu, A Dudley, S Goyal, D Giovannini, M McLaren, MJ Padgett, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (3), 032305, 2013
Spatially structured photons that travel in free space slower than the speed of light
D Giovannini, J Romero, V Potoček, G Ferenczi, F Speirits, SM Barnett, ...
Science 347 (6224), 857-860, 2015
Characterization of High-Dimensional Entangled Systems via Mutually Unbiased Measurements
D Giovannini, J Romero, J Leach, A Dudley, A Forbes, MJ Padgett
Physical Review Letters 110 (14), 143601, 2013
Increasing the dimension in high-dimensional two-photon orbital angular momentum entanglement
J Romero, D Giovannini, S Franke-Arnold, SM Barnett, MJ Padgett
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (1), 012334, 2012
Spiniform phase-encoded metagratings entangling arbitrary rational-order orbital angular momentum
K Huang, H Liu, S Restuccia, MQ Mehmood, ST Mei, D Giovannini, ...
Light: Science & Applications 7 (3), 17156-17156, 2018
Exploring the quantum nature of the radial degree of freedom of a photon via Hong-Ou-Mandel interference
E Karimi, D Giovannini, E Bolduc, N Bent, FM Miatto, MJ Padgett, ...
Physical Review A 89 (1), 013829, 2014
Experimental optimal cloning of four-dimensional quantum states of photons
E Nagali, D Giovannini, L Marrucci, S Slussarenko, E Santamato, ...
Physical Review Letters 105 (7), 73602, 2010
Coherent Absorption of N00N States
T Roger, S Restuccia, A Lyons, D Giovannini, J Romero, J Jeffers, ...
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 023601, 2016
Comparing the information capacity of Laguerre–Gaussian and Hermite–Gaussian modal sets in a finite-aperture system
S Restuccia, D Giovannini, G Gibson, M Padgett
Optics express 24 (24), 27127-27136, 2016
Enhancing LIDAR performance metrics using continuous-wave photon-pair sources
ASH Han Liu, Daniel Giovannini, Haoyu He, Duncan England, Benjamin J ...
Optica 6 (10), 1349-1355, 2019
Bounds and optimisation of orbital angular momentum bandwidths within parametric down-conversion systems
FM Miatto, D Giovannini, J Romero, S Franke-Arnold, SM Barnett, ...
The European Physical Journal D 66 (7), 178, 2012
Orbital angular momentum correlations with a phase-flipped Gaussian mode pump beam
J Romero, D Giovannini, MG McLaren, EJ Galvez, A Forbes, MJ Padgett
Journal of Optics 14 (8), 085401, 2012
Tailored two-photon correlation and fair-sampling: a cautionary tale
J Romero, D Giovannini, DS Tasca, SM Barnett, MJ Padgett
New Journal of Physics 15 (8), 083047, 2013
Determining the dimensionality of bipartite orbital-angular-momentum entanglement using multi-sector phase masks
D Giovannini, FM Miatto, J Romero, SM Barnett, JP Woerdman, ...
New Journal of Physics 14, 073046, 2012
Resilience of orbital-angular-momentum photonic qubits and effects on hybrid entanglement
D Giovannini, E Nagali, L Marrucci, F Sciarrino
Physical Review A 83 (4), 042338, 2011
Non-classical semiconductor photon sources enhancing the performance of classical target detection systems
H He, D Giovannini, H Liu, E Chen, Z Yan, AS Helmy
Journal of Lightwave Technology 38 (16), 4540-4547, 2020
Interference of probability amplitudes: a simple demonstration within the Hong–Ou–Mandel experiment
D Giovannini, J Romero, MJ Padgett
Journal of Optics 16 (3), 032002, 2014
Twisting waves increase the visibility of nonlinear behaviour
G Richard, HS Lay, D Giovannini, S Cochran, GC Spalding, MPJ Lavery
New Journal of Physics 22 (6), 063021, 2020
Photon orbital angular momentum: generation, measurement and application to QKD
MJ Padgett, D Giovannini, M Lavery, J Romero, SM Barnett, F Miatto, ...
Electro-Optical Remote Sensing, Photonic Technologies, and Applications VI …, 2012
Spatial Light Modulators: Single-Photon, Spatial-Mode Analyzers
M Padgett, J Leach, B Jack, MJ Romero, D Giovannini, S Franke-Arnold, ...
International Conference on Quantum Information, 2011
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