Timo Laaksonen
Timo Laaksonen
Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki
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Electrochemical resolution of 15 oxidation states for monolayer protected gold nanoparticles
BM Quinn, P Liljeroth, V Ruiz, T Laaksonen, K Kontturi
Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (22), 6644-6645, 2003
Biocompatibility of thermally hydrocarbonized porous silicon nanoparticles and their biodistribution in rats
LM Bimbo, M Sarparanta, HA Santos, AJ Airaksinen, E Makila, ...
ACS nano 4 (6), 3023-3032, 2010
Single exosome study reveals subpopulations distributed among cell lines with variability related to membrane content
ZJ Smith, C Lee, T Rojalin, RP Carney, S Hazari, A Knudson, K Lam, ...
Journal of extracellular vesicles 4 (1), 28533, 2015
Gold nanoparticles enable selective light-induced contents release from liposomes
L Paasonen, T Laaksonen, C Johans, M Yliperttula, K Kontturi, A Urtti
Journal of controlled release 122 (1), 86-93, 2007
Nanofibrillar cellulose films for controlled drug delivery
R Kolakovic, L Peltonen, A Laukkanen, J Hirvonen, T Laaksonen
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 82 (2), 308-315, 2012
Drug release from nanoparticles embedded in four different nanofibrillar cellulose aerogels
H Valo, S Arola, P Laaksonen, M Torkkeli, L Peltonen, MB Linder, ...
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 50 (1), 69-77, 2013
Nanosuspensions of poorly soluble drugs: preparation and development by wet milling
P Liu, X Rong, J Laru, B van Veen, J Kiesvaara, J Hirvonen, T Laaksonen, ...
International journal of pharmaceutics 411 (1-2), 215-222, 2011
Drug delivery formulations of ordered and nonordered mesoporous silica: comparison of three drug loading methods
T Limnell, HA Santos, E Mäkilä, T Heikkilä, J Salonen, DY Murzin, ...
Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 100 (8), 3294-3306, 2011
Interfacial engineering by proteins: exfoliation and functionalization of graphene by hydrophobins
P Laaksonen, M Kainlauri, T Laaksonen, A Shchepetov, H Jiang, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 29 (49), 4946-4949, 2010
In vitro cytotoxicity of porous silicon microparticles: effect of the particle concentration, surface chemistry and size
HA Santos, J Riikonen, J Salonen, E Mäkilä, T Heikkilä, T Laaksonen, ...
Acta biomaterialia 6 (7), 2721-2731, 2010
Spray-dried nanofibrillar cellulose microparticles for sustained drug release
R Kolakovic, T Laaksonen, L Peltonen, A Laukkanen, J Hirvonen
International journal of pharmaceutics 430 (1-2), 47-55, 2012
Immobilization of protein-coated drug nanoparticles in nanofibrillar cellulose matrices—Enhanced stability and release
H Valo, M Kovalainen, P Laaksonen, M Häkkinen, S Auriola, L Peltonen, ...
Journal of controlled release 156 (3), 390-397, 2011
Drug permeation across intestinal epithelial cells using porous silicon nanoparticles
LM Bimbo, E Mäkilä, T Laaksonen, VP Lehto, J Salonen, J Hirvonen, ...
Biomaterials 32 (10), 2625-2633, 2011
Failure of MTT as a toxicity testing agent for mesoporous silicon microparticles
T Laaksonen, H Santos, H Vihola, J Salonen, J Riikonen, T Heikkilä, ...
Chemical research in toxicology 20 (12), 1913-1918, 2007
Electrospray Encapsulation of Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Drugs in Poly(L‐lactic acid) Nanoparticles
H Valo, L Peltonen, S Vehviläinen, M Karjalainen, R Kostiainen, ...
Small 5 (15), 1791-1798, 2009
Intravenous delivery of hydrophobin-functionalized porous silicon nanoparticles: stability, plasma protein adsorption and biodistribution
M Sarparanta, LM Bimbo, J Rytkonen, E Makila, TJ Laaksonen, ...
Molecular pharmaceutics 9 (3), 654-663, 2012
Electrospraying, spray drying and related techniques for production and formulation of drug nanoparticles
L Peltonen, H Valo, R Kolakovic, T Laaksonen, J Hirvonen
Expert opinion on drug delivery 7 (6), 705-719, 2010
Stability and Electrostatics of Mercaptoundecanoic Acid‐Capped Gold Nanoparticles with Varying Counterion Size
T Laaksonen, P Ahonen, C Johans, K Kontturi
ChemPhysChem 7 (10), 2143-2149, 2006
Dissolution studies of poorly soluble drug nanosuspensions in non-sink conditions
P Liu, O De Wulf, J Laru, T Heikkilä, B van Veen, J Kiesvaara, J Hirvonen, ...
Aaps Pharmscitech 14, 748-756, 2013
Spray-dried cellulose nanofibers as novel tablet excipient
R Kolakovic, L Peltonen, T Laaksonen, K Putkisto, A Laukkanen, ...
Aaps Pharmscitech 12, 1366-1373, 2011
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