Chee Soon Tan
Chee Soon Tan
National Institute of Education
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Alternative schools: A synthesis of state-level policy and research
CA Lehr, CS Tan, J Ysseldyke
Remedial and Special Education 30 (1), 19-32, 2009
Test Review: Reynolds, CR, & Kamphaus, RW (2004). Behavior assessment system for children . Circle Pines, MN: American Guidance Service
CS Tan
Assessment for Effective Intervention 32 (2), 121-124, 2007
Fostering social cohesion and cultural sustainability: Character and citizenship education in Singapore
C Tan, CS Tan
Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education 8 (4), 191-206, 2014
Cross-cultural validation of the Academic Motivation Scale: A Singapore investigation
IS Caleon, MGL Wui, JPL Tan, CL Chiam, TC Soon, RB King
Child Indicators Research 8, 925-942, 2015
Nurturing grateful and connected twenty-first century learners: Development and evaluation of a socially oriented gratitude intervention
IS Caleon, RB King, JPL Tan, M Low, CS Tan, GA Liem
Asia Pacific Journal of Education 37 (4), 567-581, 2017
Personal strengths and perceived teacher support as predictors of Singapore students’ academic risk status
IS Caleon, MGL Wui, CL Chiam, RB King, JPL Tan, CS Tan
Educational Psychology 37 (8), 983-1000, 2017
Education and services for children and youths with emotional and behavioral disorders in Singapore
K Chen, TC Soon
Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth 50 …, 2006
Navigating challenges during Covid-19 Pandemic: Experiences and coping strategies of Singapore students
TC Soon, IS Caleon, MB Shaik Kadir, J Chua, NQ Ilham
Educational and Developmental Psychologist 40 (1), 63-73, 2023
Stress mindset, coping strategies, and well-being of secondary students in Singapore during the COVID-19 pandemic
IS Caleon, MBS Kadir, CS Tan, J Chua, NQB Ilham
Educational Psychology 43 (5), 491-508, 2023
Beyond value-added: Mixed-methods evaluation of the implementation and effectiveness of the supplemental educational services
C Chan, J Peterson, D Heistad, C Tan
American Educational Research Association 2010 Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 2010
Evaluation of the Supplemental Educational Services in Minneapolis Public Schools—Third year study
C Tan, C Chan, D Heistad
Retrieved November 1, 2010, 2007
Nurturing positivity: A positive psychology intervention to enhance well-being, engagement, and achievement among at-risk students
IS Caleon, RB King, GAD Liem, CS Tan, JPL Tan, R Lam, NQ Ilham
Office of Education Research, National Institute of Education, Singapore, 2020
An exploratory study of the relationships between teachers' general attributions, specific attributions for reading difficulties and treatment
CS Tan
University of Minnesota, 2009
Implementation of Supplemental Educational Services in the St Paul Schools
J Ysseldyke, C Carlstrom
Retrieved November 20, 2010, 2007
Factors and processes that facilitate the development of academic resilience: Perspectives from students in Singapore
I Caleon, SQW Lim, NQ Ilham, WX Koh, CS Tan, Y Nie
Positive psychology and positive education in Asia: Understanding and …, 2023
Turning achievement around: Predictors of academic resilience of academically at-risk students in Singapore
IS Caleon, Y Nie, JPL Tan, CS Tan, RB King, K Ahmad, ML Lim, NQ Ilham
Office of Education Research, National Institute of Education, Singapore, 2020
An Exploratory Study to Test the Psychometric Properties of Character Strengths-Semantic Differential Scale (CS-SDS) Among Singaporean Adults
CMS Ma, CS Tan, KT Koh
Education Sciences 14 (11), 1252, 2024
Rethinking stress: The influence of stress mindset on well-being, resilience, and school outcomes of adolescents in Singapore
IS Caleon, CS Tan, RM Jocson, MS Kadir, J Chua, JL Zhou, NQ Ilham
National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE NTU …, 2024
The Influence of Gratitude on Students' Interpersonal Relationships, Resilience and Well-Being: Insights from Asian Education Contexts
I Caleon, MS Kadir, TC Soon, OC Leng, J Zhou
The Routledge International Handbook of Life and Values Education in Asia …, 2024
Future Orientation and Resilience of Academically At-Risk Students in Singapore
CS Tan, NQB Ilham, I Caleon
Moving Beyond Grades to Purposeful Learning: Lessons from Singaporean …, 2023
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