Sandeep S. Kumar
Sandeep S. Kumar
R&D Manager, Signify Research
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FPGA intrinsic PUFs and their use for IP protection
J Guajardo, SS Kumar, GJ Schrijen, P Tuyls
International workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, 63-80, 2007
The butterfly PUF protecting IP on every FPGA
SS Kumar, J Guajardo, R Maes, GJ Schrijen, P Tuyls
2008 IEEE International Workshop on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust, 67-70, 2008
A survey of lightweight-cryptography implementations
T Eisenbarth, S Kumar, C Paar, A Poschmann, L Uhsadel
IEEE Design & Test of Computers 24 (6), 522-533, 2007
Securing the internet of things: A standardization perspective
SL Keoh, SS Kumar, H Tschofenig
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 1 (3), 265-275, 2014
Security Challenges in the IP-based Internet of Things
T Heer, O Garcia-Morchon, R Hummen, SL Keoh, SS Kumar, K Wehrle
Wireless Personal Communications 61 (3), 527-542, 2011
Physical unclonable functions and public-key crypto for FPGA IP protection
J Guajardo, SS Kumar, GJ Schrijen, P Tuyls
2007 International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications …, 2007
Breaking ciphers with COPACOBANA–a cost-optimized parallel code breaker
S Kumar, C Paar, J Pelzl, G Pfeiffer, M Schimmler
International Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, 101-118, 2006
Security Considerations in the IP-based Internet of Things
O Garcia-Morchon, S Kumar, R Struik, S Keoh, R Hummen
Are standards compliant elliptic curve cryptosystems feasible on RFID
S Kumar, C Paar
Workshop on RFID Security, 12-14, 2006
Optimum digit serial GF (2^ m) multipliers for curve-based cryptography
S Kumar, T Wollinger, C Paar
IEEE Transactions on Computers 55 (10), 1306-1311, 2006
End-to-end transport security in the IP-based internet of things
M Brachmann, SL Keoh, OG Morchon, SS Kumar
2012 21st International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks …, 2012
Identification of devices using physically unclonable functions
JG Merchan, SS Kumar, PT Tuyls, GJ Schrijen
US Patent App. 12/674,367, 2011
Securing the IP-based internet of things with HIP and DTLS
O Garcia-Morchon, SL Keoh, S Kumar, P Moreno-Sanchez, F Vidal-Meca, ...
Proceedings of the sixth ACM conference on Security and privacy in wireless …, 2013
Anti-counterfeiting, key distribution, and key storage in an ambient world via physical unclonable functions
J Guajardo, B Škorić, P Tuyls, SS Kumar, T Bel, AHM Blom, GJ Schrijen
Information Systems Frontiers 11 (1), 19-41, 2009
Efficient GF (p m) arithmetic architectures for cryptographic applications
G Bertoni, J Guajardo, S Kumar, G Orlando, C Paar, T Wollinger
Cryptographers’ Track at the RSA Conference, 158-175, 2003
Brand and IP protection with physical unclonable functions
J Guajardo, SS Kumar, GJ Schrijen, P Tuyls
2008 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 3186-3189, 2008
Efficient hardware implementation of finite fields with applications to cryptography
J Guajardo, T Güneysu, SS Kumar, C Paar, J Pelzl
Acta Applicandae Mathematica 93 (1-3), 75-118, 2006
Elliptic curve cryptography for constrained devices
SS Kumar
Verlag nicht ermittelbar, 2006
How to Break DES for BC 8,980
S Kumar, C Paar, J Pelzl, G Pfeiffer, A Rupp, M Schimmler
SHARCS ‘06–Special-purpose Hardware for Attacking Cryptographic Systems, 17-35, 2006
Methods, devices and systems for establishing end-to-end secure connections and for securely communicating data packets
SL Keoh, OG Morchon, SS Kumar, M Brachmann, B Erdmann
US Patent 9,185,133, 2015
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Articles 1–20