Abdulelah A. Algosaibi
Abdulelah A. Algosaibi
在 kfu.edu.sa 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
AI-driven deep CNN approach for multi-label pathology classification using chest X-Rays
S Albahli, HT Rauf, A Algosaibi, VE Balas
PeerJ Computer Science 7, e495, 2021
Identification of Thoracic Diseases by Exploiting Deep Neural Networks
S Albahli, HT Rauf, M Arif, MT Nafis, A Algosaibi
neural networks 5, 6, 2021
Adversarial attacks and defenses for social network text processing applications: Techniques, challenges and future research directions
I Alsmadi, K Ahmad, M Nazzal, F Alam, A Al-Fuqaha, A Khreishah, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.13980, 2021
Web evolution-the shift from information publishing to reasoning
A Algosaibi, S Albahli, SF Khasawneh, A Melton
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Applications (IJAIA) 8 …, 2017
Adversarial machine learning in text processing: a literature survey
I Alsmadi, N Aljaafari, M Nazzal, S Alhamed, AH Sawalmeh, CP Vizcarra, ...
IEEE Access 10, 17043-17077, 2022
World Wide Web: A survey of its development and possible future trends
AA Algosaibi, S Albahli, A Melton
The 16th international conference on internet computing and big data-ICOMP …, 2015
Adversarial nlp for social network applications: Attacks, defenses, and research directions
I Alsmadi, K Ahmad, M Nazzal, F Alam, A Al-Fuqaha, A Khreishah, ...
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 10 (6), 3089-3108, 2022
Using the semantics inherent in sitemaps to learn ontologies
AA Algosaibi, AC Melton
2014 IEEE 38th International Computer Software and Applications Conference …, 2014
Three dimensions ontology modification matrix
AA Algosaibi, AC Melton
2016 2nd International Conference on Information Management (ICIM), 77-83, 2016
An improved covid-19 forecasting by infectious disease modelling using machine learning
HF Ahmad, H Khaloofi, Z Azhar, A Algosaibi, J Hussain
Applied Sciences 11 (23), 11426, 2021
Multi-labeled dataset of arabic covid-19 tweets for topic-based sentiment classifications
FM Alderazi, AA Algosaibi, MA Alabdullatif
2022 IEEE International Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent …, 2022
The Use of Arabic Language COVID-19 Tweets Analysis in IoT Applications
F Alderazi, AA Algosaibi, MA Alabdullatif
2021 IEEE Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of …, 2021
Manigen: A manifold aided black-box generator of adversarial examples
G Liu, I Khalil, A Khreishah, A Algosaibi, A Aldalbahi, M Alnaeem, ...
IEEE Access 8, 197086-197096, 2020
Developing an Intelligent Framework for Improving the Quality of Service in the Government Organizations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
AA AlGosaibi, ARW Sait, AF AlOthman, S AlHamed
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 11 (12), 2020
Investigating the Factors Impacting Adversarial Attack and Defense Performances in Federated Learning
N Aljaafari, M Nazzal, AH Sawalmeh, A Khreishah, M Anan, A Algosaibi, ...
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2022
WAESM: Web Accessibility Educational Specific Model
T Albalawi, A Algosaibi, K Aljohani
Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering Research …, 2011
Generative artificial intelligence in topic-sentiment classification for Arabic text: a comparative study with possible future directions
F Alderazi, A Algosaibi, M Alabdullatif, HF Ahmad, AM Qamar, A Albarrak
PeerJ Computer Science 10, e2081, 2024
Web Documents Structures as Source for Machine-Understandable Document
A Algosaibi, S Albahli
Proceedings of the 2019 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Science …, 2019
Improving semantic properties relationships extraction in ontology evolution
AA Algosaibi
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 99 (11), 2659-2668, 2021
Parallel-based techniques for managing and analyzing the performance on semantic graph
A Algosaibi, K Ragab, S Albahli
Parallel Processing Letters 30 (02), 2050007, 2020
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